This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
A-loss recall | |
abilities under imperfect information | |
abstract argumentation | |
Abstractions | |
action regret | |
active learning | |
Active Monocular SLAM | |
active perception | |
Activity Recognition | |
actor-critic | |
Actors | |
Ad Hoc Teamwork | |
Adaptation | |
Adaptive Storytelling | |
Adversarial Learning | |
Adversarial Modeling | |
adversarial reasoning | |
Advice Taking | |
Affective behavior | |
agent based simulation | |
Agent Communication | |
Agent cooperation | |
Agent environments | |
Agent Interaction Protocol | |
Agent learning | |
Agent Representatives | |
Agent theories and models | |
Agent types | |
Agent-based analysis of human interactions | |
agent-based model | |
agent-based modeling | |
Agent-based Modeling and Simulation | |
agent-based modelling | |
Agent-Based Simulation | |
Agents | |
agents & artifacts | |
Agents in Games | |
AgentSpeak | |
Aggregation of Rankings | |
Alarm System | |
algorithm | |
algorithm mechanism design | |
Algorithmic game theory | |
algorithms | |
algorithms and complexity | |
Allen's intervals | |
Alternating Automata | |
alternating mu-calculus | |
Alternating-Time Epistemic Logic | |
alternating-time temporal logic | |
analysis | |
Analysis of agent-based simulations | |
analytical model | |
annotated disjunction | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Approval games | |
approval voting | |
Approval-based voting | |
Approximate algorithm | |
Approximate Multi-choice Knapsack | |
Approximate Nash equilibria | |
approximation | |
Approximation algorithm | |
Approximation algorithms | |
approximation scheme | |
architecture | |
argumentation | |
asset allocation | |
assignment games | |
Assignment problem | |
assistive technologies | |
asynchronous systems | |
Atl | |
auction | |
Auction Theory | |
Authoring tools for Agent Modeling | |
Automated negotiation | |
Automated Negotiations | |
autonomous agent | |
Autonomous Agents | |
Autonomous Control | |
Autonomous Learning | |
Autonomous Parametrization | |
Autonomous Robot | |
Autonomous Vehicle simulation | |
Autonomous vehicles | |
axiomatization | |
B | |
Bayesian Algorithms | |
Bayesian Game | |
BDI | |
BDI agent-oriented programming languages | |
BDI architecture | |
behavior ranking | |
belief propagation | |
Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) | |
Best-Response Dynamics | |
bidding language | |
Bimatrix games | |
Binomial Distribution | |
bisimulations | |
blame | |
Blames and Accountability | |
Body Gestures | |
Boolean Games | |
Bootstrapping | |
Borda | |
Borda Voting Protocol | |
Boston mechanism | |
bounded rationality | |
bribery | |
Budget Complementarities | |
Bundling | |
C | |
Candidacy Games | |
carsharing | |
CATS | |
Causal Reasoning | |
causal states | |
causality | |
cause-effect | |
Cellular Automata | |
centrality | |
Centralized Combinatorial Matching Markets (CCMM) | |
Centralized Multi-Robot Planning | |
Changepoint Detection | |
Chikungunya | |
Cloud Computing | |
coalition | |
coalition formation | |
Coalition Structure Generation | |
Coalitional games | |
Coalitional Manipulation | |
Coalitional stability | |
cognition-enabled task interpretation | |
collaborative reinforcement learning | |
Collective driving behavior | |
Collective Learning | |
Collusion Attack | |
Coloring Games | |
combinatorial auction | |
Combinatorial exchanges | |
Combinatorics of counting / enumeration | |
Commitment Abandonment | |
Commitments | |
Committee selection | |
communication | |
communication complexity | |
Communication protocols | |
competences | |
competition | |
completeness | |
Complex Adaptive Systems | |
Complex communications | |
Complex systems | |
complexity | |
Complexity of finding approximate equilibria | |
Computation of equilibria | |
computational complexity | |
Computational complexity of counting | |
Computational Epidemiology | |
Computational Ethics | |
Computational Social Choice | |
computational sustainability | |
concept drift | |
Concurrent game models | |
Conditional Lower Bounds | |
Conditional Random Fields | |
Condorcet consistency | |
conflict-eliminability | |
Congestion problems | |
connected row convex constraints | |
Consensus | |
Consensus Protocols | |
Container Inspection | |
continual learning | |
contract reasoning | |
control | |
Convention Emergence | |
Conventions | |
Conversational agents | |
cooperation | |
Cooperation Mechanism | |
Cooperative agents | |
cooperative game theory | |
Cooperative games | |
Coordination | |
Copeland | |
core | |
Correlated Mechanism Design | |
Cost based Switching Strategy | |
Cost Based Transition | |
cost functions | |
CP-nets | |
Credit Assignment | |
Cremer-McLean | |
crowdfunding | |
crowdsourcing market | |
CS-core | |
Curriculum Learning | |
Cyber Security | |
Cycle-completeness | |
D | |
Data Aggregation | |
Data Structures | |
DCOP | |
Debugging | |
Dec-MDPs | |
Decentralized Monitoring | |
Decentralized online planning | |
Decentralized protocol enactments | |
Decentralized Runtime Verification | |
Deceptive Communication | |
Decidability | |
decision making | |
Decision making under ambiguity | |
Decision Making with Expert Advice | |
Decision Theory | |
decomposable network | |
deep learning | |
Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
Defeasible reasoning | |
Delivery Drones | |
demand criticality | |
demand response | |
Demand-side management | |
Deployed Applications | |
destructive control | |
deterministic algorithm | |
Development Effort | |
DHT | |
dialogue | |
Digraphs | |
Discount Function | |
Disparity and Satisfaction | |
Distributed Algorithm | |
distributed constraint optimization | |
Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem | |
distributed coordination | |
distributed problem solving | |
distributed task allocation | |
districts | |
Domain-specific Language | |
Dominant Strategies | |
Double oracle | |
Dynamic DCOPs | |
dynamic epistemic logic | |
dynamic generalization | |
Dynamic influence maximization | |
Dynamic Logic | |
Dynamic multi-agents logic | |
Dynamic object detection | |
Dynamic Pricing | |
Dynamic Resource Allocation | |
Dynamics of complex networks | |
E | |
economic behavior | |
Economic mechanisms | |
efficient algorithms | |
ego network | |
Election protection | |
elections | |
electoral control | |
electric vehicles | |
electricity | |
Electricity Disaggregation | |
electricity trading | |
Electronic commerce | |
Emergence | |
Emergency Management | |
Emergent behavior | |
Emergent Behaviour | |
Emotion | |
Emotion in social dilemmas | |
Emotion Modelling | |
Emotional support | |
energy | |
Engineering Multiagent Systems | |
Enthymemes | |
entitlements | |
Entity Linking | |
Envy-free | |
Envy-freeness | |
epistemic logic | |
Epsilon-greedy | |
equilibrium | |
error cascades | |
error modeling | |
error propagation | |
evacuation behavior modelling | |
Event Calculus | |
Event Detection | |
event reasoning | |
evidential reasoning | |
evolution of cooperation | |
Evolutionary algorithms | |
Evolutionary Game Theory | |
exchange stability | |
Existential rules | |
Expectation maximization | |
experience sharing | |
Experience-based Learning | |
Experimentation | |
Experiments | |
Explanation | |
Exploit | |
exploration | |
Exploration vs exploitation | |
Exponentially Weighted Average Forecaster | |
Extensive form games | |
F | |
Facial Expression | |
facility location | |
fair allocation | |
Fair Division | |
Fairness | |
Feature Optimization | |
feedback system | |
field experiment | |
Fisher Market Clearing | |
Fixed parameter tractability | |
fixpoint approximation | |
Flag Co-ordination | |
Flocking | |
Formal Verification | |
Forward chaining | |
frameworks for agents and multi-agent systems | |
Function Approximation | |
fuzzy sets | |
G | |
Game Theory | |
Game-based Education | |
Game-theoretic semantics | |
games | |
Games with ambiguity | |
Gaussian Process Regression | |
general game playing | |
generative models | |
gerrymandering | |
Gesture Recognition | |
Gettier problem | |
Gibbs sampling | |
GIS | |
goal generation | |
Goal-Plan Trees | |
goal-recognition | |
goal/plan recognition | |
goals conflicts | |
goals incompatibilities | |
GPUs | |
gradients algorithm | |
Graph algorithms | |
Graph Automata | |
graph coloring | |
Graph Colouring | |
Graph-Theoretic Methods | |
Graphical Models | |
Greedy Adaptive Search | |
Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure | |
Grid maps | |
gridworld problems | |
Group Activity Selection | |
Group activity selection problems | |
Group Formation | |
group identification | |
Group Recommendation | |
Guilt | |
H | |
heuristic algorithms | |
hiding in networks | |
Hierarchical POMDP | |
HIV prevention | |
home heating | |
Honeynet | |
Honeypot | |
hop count algorithm | |
Hotelling-Downs | |
Hotelling-Downs Model | |
HRI | |
HTN planning | |
Human behavior | |
Human Behavior Modeling | |
Human Robot Interaction | |
Human Robotic Interaction | |
Human Study | |
Human(s)-virtual agent(s) interaction | |
human- virtual agent interaction | |
Human-Agent Competition | |
Human-Agent Interaction | |
Human-Agent/Robot Interaction | |
Human-robot Interaction | |
human-robot natural language interaction | |
Human-virtual agent(s) interaction | |
Humans Teaching Agents | |
I | |
IAGO | |
Imperfect information | |
Imperfect recall | |
Incident Response | |
Incomplete Algorithm | |
Incremental strategy generation | |
Independent Cascade Model | |
Individual rationality | |
indivisible goods | |
Inequality Indices | |
Inference incomplete algorithms | |
influence | |
influence diffusion | |
Influence limitation | |
Influence maintenance | |
Influence Maximization | |
Influence spread | |
influenza | |
Information Exchange | |
Innovative Applications | |
integrated cognitive robotic architecture | |
integration | |
intelligent agents | |
intelligent virtual environment | |
intention progression | |
Interactive Storytelling | |
interActors | |
Internet of Things | |
interpersonal loss | |
Interruptibility | |
intransitive preference | |
inverse reinforcement learning | |
IoT | |
Iterated Boolean Games | |
iterated prisoner's dilemma | |
J | |
Jade | |
Joining a Flock | |
Joint Intention | |
Joint Task | |
judgment aggregation | |
K | |
k-reactive strategies | |
Kanerva Coding | |
Kidney exchange | |
Kilobot | |
Kilobots | |
Knowledge Representation | |
L | |
Label Correction | |
Large agent ensembles | |
Large-scale evacuation | |
latent models | |
lazy bias | |
leader placement | |
learning | |
Learning dynamics | |
Learning Environment | |
Learning from Demonstration | |
Learning from Reward | |
Learning Preferences | |
Leaving a Flock | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
Local Information | |
Local Norm | |
Local Search Algorithm | |
Logic | |
Logic based argumentation | |
Logical Argumentation Framework Core | |
Logical models of emotions | |
logical omniscience | |
Logics for multi-agent systems | |
long-lasting influence | |
Long-term Study | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Majority graphs | |
majority judgement | |
Manipulation | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Markov games | |
MAS | |
Matching | |
matching markets | |
Matchmaking | |
Mathematical models of MAS | |
mathematical optimization | |
max-min share | |
Max-sum | |
Maximin | |
Maximum Margin Planning | |
Maximum Spanning Arborescence | |
Maxmin | |
MDPs | |
Mechanism Design | |
Memory | |
Meta-heuristics | |
Methodology | |
metrics | |
Minimal Resources | |
Minimax | |
Minisum | |
MINthenMAX decision model | |
MINthenMAX equilibrium | |
mirroring | |
Mixed human-robot rescue teams | |
modal logic | |
model checking | |
Model checking MAS | |
Model-based testing | |
model-checking | |
Model-driven Engineering | |
Modeling | |
Modelling | |
Money | |
Monitoring | |
Monte Carlo | |
Monte Carlo Tree Search | |
Mosquitoes | |
motion planning | |
Movement prediction | |
Moving Target Defense | |
Multi Agent Cooperation | |
Multi agent systems | |
Multi Agent Task Allocation | |
Multi winner elections | |
Multi-agent Co-ordination | |
multi-agent learning | |
Multi-agent navigation | |
multi-agent negotiation | |
Multi-agent path finding | |
multi-agent planning | |
Multi-agent reasoning | |
multi-agent reinforcement learning | |
Multi-agent simulation | |
Multi-agent System | |
multi-agent systems | |
multi-armed bandit | |
Multi-armed bandits | |
Multi-Channel Marketing | |
Multi-modal Analysis | |
Multi-Objective | |
Multi-player games | |
Multi-Robot Systems | |
Multiagent Learning | |
Multiagent planning | |
Multiagent Pursuit-Evasion Problem | |
multiagent reinforcement learning | |
Multiagent Resource Allocation | |
multiagent simulation | |
multiagent simulations | |
Multiagent System | |
multiagent systems | |
Multiarmed Bandit | |
Multicast | |
Multiple Defensive Resources | |
Multiple-channel Networks | |
Multirobot systems | |
Multiwinner elections | |
multiwinner voting rules | |
Multwinner elections | |
mutiagent systems | |
N | |
Narrative Modeling | |
Nash Equilibria | |
Nash equilibrium | |
natural language understanding | |
Negotiating agent | |
Negotiation | |
Negotiation agent | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
Neuro-Evolution | |
no-show paradox | |
non-generative model | |
non-linear function approximation | |
Non-zero-sum Games | |
Noncooperative games: theory & analysis | |
nonlinear negotiation | |
Norm Emergence | |
norm maximisation criteria | |
norm relationships | |
Norm synthesis | |
normative systems | |
norms | |
NPC Agents in Games | |
Nuclear Smuggling | |
O | |
occlusion | |
Off-policy Evaluation | |
on-demand mobility | |
one-shot learning | |
One-to-many negotiation | |
online algorithm | |
online assignment | |
Online Games | |
online learning | |
online planning | |
online stochastic matching | |
ontology | |
Ontology Alignment | |
Open Interaction Protocols | |
opinion aggregation | |
Opinion diffusion | |
Opinion Formation | |
Opinion propagation | |
opponent model | |
opponent modeling | |
Opportunism | |
optimal mechanism design | |
Optimal reward problem | |
optimisation | |
optimised evacuation schedules | |
optimization | |
Ordered weighted averaging | |
Other-condemning anger | |
P | |
pairwise compatibilities | |
palliative action | |
Parameter learning | |
Parameter synthesis | |
parameterized complexity | |
parameterized mechanism | |
parametric runtime verification | |
Pareto optimality | |
Partial Decision | |
Partial Observability | |
partially observable environment | |
participation | |
Participatory Sensing | |
Path Planning | |
path-planning | |
patrolling | |
Pedagogical agent | |
Peer Influence | |
Permissions | |
Personal agents | |
personality | |
personality traits | |
persuasion | |
physical attributes | |
Physical Embodiment | |
physical implementation | |
physics reasoning | |
pickup and delivery | |
Plan Execution | |
plan selection | |
plan-recognition | |
Planning | |
Planning and learning in games | |
Planning in BDI agent systems | |
Planning under temporal uncertainty | |
Player modeling | |
Poisson Process | |
policy | |
policy gradient | |
popular random assignments | |
Popularity | |
Prediction Errors | |
prediction market | |
prediction-of-use games | |
predictions of interest | |
preference aggregation | |
Preference elicitation | |
preferences | |
Preferential Semantics | |
Price of Anarchy | |
Prior Dependent Mechanisms | |
Privacy | |
Private history | |
Proactive project scheduling | |
Probabilistic generator | |
probabilistic logic programming | |
probabilistic reasoning | |
probabilistic rules | |
probabilistic serial rule | |
probability distribution | |
profit optimization | |
Projected Gradient Descent | |
Propensity | |
proportional share | |
propositional assignment | |
Proxy voting | |
Public Health | |
public project | |
Pure Exploration | |
Pursuing Strategy | |
Pursuit Evasion | |
Q | |
qualitative spatial reasoning | |
quality of service | |
Query Algorithm | |
R | |
Random assignment | |
random serial dictatorship | |
randomized algorithm | |
Ranking Semantics | |
reactive network resilience | |
real-time prices | |
Real-World Evaluation | |
Reasoning | |
reasoning about belief | |
Reasoning Under Uncertainty | |
Recognition | |
recommender systems | |
refinements | |
Region Connection Calculus | |
regret estimation | |
regret minimisation | |
regulations | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
reliability bounds | |
repeated games | |
Repeated Stackelberg Games | |
Representation Learning | |
Reputation | |
Resource abstraction | |
resource allocation | |
responsibility | |
RESTful Web services | |
Revenue Management | |
Revenue-maximization envy-free pricing | |
reverse correlation | |
reward shaping | |
ridesharing | |
Risk Management | |
robot architectures | |
Robot Navigation | |
Robot task planning | |
robot wheelchairs | |
Robotic coverage | |
robotic swarms | |
Robust optimization | |
route choice | |
S | |
SaaS | |
sample average approximation | |
sampling | |
Satellite application | |
scheduling | |
score based | |
scoring protocols | |
scoring rules | |
second-order propositional modal logic justification logic | |
Security Games | |
selection of goals | |
self-evaluation | |
Self-organization | |
Separation of concerns | |
Sequential Decision Tasks | |
Sequential Monitoring | |
Serious Games | |
Service Acceptability | |
Service-oriented computing | |
Set function optimization | |
Set functions | |
Shared Knowledgebase | |
Simulation | |
Simulation techniques tools and platforms simulated plan execution | |
Single agent planning | |
single-peaked | |
single-winner voting rules | |
Size-Interchangeable Bidders | |
SLAs | |
Small Talk | |
Smart Grid | |
Smart Homes | |
social archaeology | |
social choice | |
Social context | |
social conventions | |
social dilemmas | |
Social epidemics | |
Social influence | |
social laws | |
social learning | |
Social media | |
Social Modeling in Agents | |
Social Network | |
social network analysis | |
Social Networks | |
Social Robotics | |
Social simulation | |
Social welfare | |
Socio-cultural behaviour | |
software agents | |
software reuse | |
Spatial Logic | |
spatio-temporal reasoning | |
spectrum auctions | |
Spoofing | |
Spread of Misinformation | |
Stability | |
stable marriage | |
Stable matching | |
stable roommate | |
Stackelberg Equilibrium | |
state abstraction | |
Stereotypes | |
STIT logic | |
stochastic | |
Stochastic DCOPs | |
stochastic dominance | |
Stochastic Game | |
stock market | |
stock price prediction | |
strategic ability | |
Strategic agents | |
strategic behavior | |
Strategic reasoning | |
strategic voting | |
strategy | |
Strategy Logic | |
Strategyproofness | |
streaming algorithms | |
Submodular | |
succinctness | |
suicide | |
Supermodular degree | |
Supermodularity | |
Supervised Learning | |
Supervisory control theory | |
Survival Analysis | |
sustainability | |
swarm robotics | |
Swarm Vulnerabilities | |
swarms | |
Swarms and Collective Behavior | |
Symmetry | |
synthetic information systems | |
T | |
Tags | |
task assignment | |
TATL | |
TCP congestion control | |
team composition | |
team formation | |
team plans | |
temporal difference learning | |
Temporal Logics | |
Test case coverage | |
Thompson Sampling | |
time-dependent workability uncertainty | |
tournament | |
tournament solution | |
trace expressions | |
trade off | |
trading agent competition | |
Trading agents | |
Traffic Signal Control | |
Traffic simulation | |
Transfer Learning | |
Treewidth | |
Trembling Hand Equilibria | |
Trust | |
Truth-bias | |
Truthful mechanism | |
U | |
Unbalanced Cut | |
uncertain supply | |
Uniform Protocol | |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) | |
Unstable Speeds | |
Unsupervised Learning | |
Upper Confidence Bound algorithm | |
urban public transportation networks | |
user equilibrium | |
user interfaces | |
utility function learning | |
Utility Theory | |
V | |
value models | |
Value of information | |
Value Propagation | |
Verbal and non-verbal behaviour | |
Verification | |
Vessel Traffic Management | |
veto | |
Virtual Agents | |
virtual agents for improving human negotiation | |
Virtual agents for social dilemmas | |
Virtual agents in education | |
virtual character generation | |
Virtual Humans | |
Virtual Reality | |
visual navigation | |
Vocabulary Alignment | |
vote buying | |
voting | |
Voting games | |
voting protocols | |
Voting rules | |
voting system | |
Voting Theory | |
W | |
W-hierarchy | |
Wald's MiniMax principle | |
Walrasian equilibrium | |
Warehouse Commissioning | |
water right market | |
Web architecture | |
Web of Things | |
weighted voting | |
Welfare-maximizing approximation algorithm | |
welfare-maximizing equilibrium (RWME) | |
welfare-revenue tradeoff | |
Wi-Fi channel assignment | |
Wildlife Conservation | |
Wildlife Protection | |
winner determination |