This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
academic job market | |
Accountability | |
acquisition utility | |
Ad Novelty | |
Adaptability | |
Adoption | |
adult content consumption | |
Adultification | |
Advertising | |
advertising effectiveness | |
Advertising technology | |
aesthetics | |
Affordance Lens | |
Affordance Theory | |
AI | |
AI adoption | |
AI autonomy | |
AI Consequences | |
AI virtual influencer | |
AI-drive livestreaming | |
AI-driven live streaming | |
AI-Generated Ads | |
Airbnb | |
Airline industry | |
analytical capability | |
and social policy | |
Anthropomorphism | |
Anti-counterfeit marketing | |
Anxiety | |
Appropriateness | |
Archetypes | |
Arousal | |
artificial intelligence | |
Artistic experience | |
Assemblage theory | |
assemblages | |
assimilation | |
Assortment size | |
Asymmetric Pricing | |
asymmetries | |
athlete brand | |
attachment passion for themed-restaurant brand generational cohort | |
attention | |
Attention Restoration Theory | |
Attitude | |
attitude change | |
Attitude toward the brand | |
attribution theory | |
Augmented reality | |
Authenticity | |
Automated Bidding | |
Automated Driving | |
Automation | |
Autonomous Shuttle | |
Autonomous Shuttles | |
Autonomous vehicle | |
Availability | |
awe | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B data breach | |
B2B privacy | |
B2B relationship | |
B2B sales | |
Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) | |
beauty | |
Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT) | |
Behavioural Actions | |
behavioural engagement | |
Benefit appeals | |
Bibliometric analysis | |
Big data analytics capabilities | |
Blockchain | |
Bottlenecks | |
Bouba/Kiki effect | |
box office | |
brand activism | |
Brand alliance | |
brand authenticity | |
brand boycotts | |
Brand competitiveness | |
Brand credibility | |
brand customization | |
Brand equity | |
Brand Evangelism | |
Brand extension | |
brand familiarity | |
Brand jointness | |
Brand logo shape | |
brand manager | |
Brand Perceptions | |
Brand Personality | |
Brand polarization | |
Brand Privacy | |
brand relationship | |
Brand request compliance | |
Brand rivalry | |
brand safety | |
brand sales | |
Brand Strategy | |
Brand sustainability | |
Brand underperformance | |
Brand-to-brand dialogue | |
Branding | |
Business Ecosystems | |
business-to-business | |
Business-to-business marketing | |
Buyer vulnerability | |
C | |
C2C platform | |
Call-to-Action Buttons | |
Cameo | |
cancel culture | |
Capitalism | |
Car consumer | |
Car consumer behavior | |
cause-related marketing | |
Celebrity Endorsement | |
Central and Eastern Europe | |
CEO-TMT interface | |
charitable giving | |
Chatbot | |
Chatbots | |
ChatGPT | |
Choice mode | |
Choice overload | |
Citation analysis | |
Click-Through Rates | |
Click-Through-Rate (CTR) | |
cluster analysis | |
clutter | |
co-experience | |
Co-opetition | |
Cognitive appraisal theory | |
Cognitive Bias | |
Collaborative Plateforms | |
Collectivist culture | |
Commercial Campaign | |
Commodity markets | |
Comparative cases | |
compensation | |
competence | |
Competition | |
Competitor Orientation | |
Complaining | |
Complimenting | |
compulsive buying | |
computer vision | |
Concreteness | |
Conflict Zone | |
Confusion | |
congruence | |
Connectedness | |
Conservation of Resources Theory | |
Construal Level Theory | |
Construal-level Theory | |
consumer | |
consumer attitudes | |
consumer autonomy | |
Consumer behavior | |
Consumer climate engagement | |
consumer engagement | |
consumer financial vulnerability | |
Consumer Goods Retailing | |
consumer involvement | |
consumer mental accounting | |
consumer outcomes | |
consumer perceptions | |
Consumer perceptions of TikTok's influence on music | |
Consumer privacy control | |
Consumer skepticism | |
Consumer trust | |
Consumer well-being | |
Consumer-Brand Interaction | |
Consumers Perspectives | |
Consumers' Inferences | |
Consumers’ Online Brand Related Activities | |
Consummatory motives | |
Consumption Setting | |
Content Analysis | |
Content Co-Creation | |
Content Marketing | |
contrast | |
Coolness | |
Cooperation | |
Coopetition | |
Corporate Political Activity | |
Counterfactual thinking | |
Counterfeiting | |
creative artificial intelligence | |
Creative consumer | |
Creative consumption | |
creativity | |
Credibility | |
Cross-cultural | |
Cross-cultural ethics | |
cross-stimulus sensitization | |
Crowdfunding | |
Crypto-marketing | |
Cryptography | |
CSR | |
Cultural | |
cultural orientation | |
Customer Engagement | |
Customer Experience | |
Customer Feedback | |
Customer Journey | |
Customer Lifetime Value | |
Customer Orientation | |
Customer retention | |
Customer Satisfaction | |
Customer Success | |
Customer tipping | |
Customer Trust | |
Customer Well-being | |
Customer wellbeing | |
Customer-based | |
Customer-Centric Innovation | |
Cute emotion | |
D | |
dark side | |
dark triad | |
Data Privacy | |
Deception | |
Decision-Making | |
Decision-making toolset | |
Deep Learning | |
Deep Neural Network | |
degree of innovativeness | |
Deinfluencing | |
Demanding | |
design innovation | |
Destination Attachment | |
Destination Image | |
Destination Satisfaction | |
Differential pricing | |
digital | |
Digital advertising | |
Digital assistants | |
Digital Competence | |
Digital consumption | |
Digital consumption values | |
Digital hoarding | |
Digital interface | |
Digital items | |
Digital Marketing | |
Digital mindset | |
Digital overconsumption | |
Digital piracy | |
digital point-of-sale | |
Digital technologies | |
digital transformation | |
Digital Twin | |
Digital users | |
Digital Voice Assistant | |
Digital-based INVs | |
Discount Framing | |
Discrete Emotion | |
Disempowerment | |
Dishonest Behavior | |
Dissonance | |
Diversity | |
DoCCA | |
doctoral candidates | |
Dual Process Theory | |
Dual processes of decision making | |
Dyadic Analysis | |
Dynamic capability view | |
Dynamic Pricing | |
E | |
e-commerce | |
easiness of use | |
Ecosystems | |
EEG | |
Electronic Word-Of-Mouth | |
Embeddedness | |
Emotion | |
Emotional attachment | |
Emotional Experience | |
Emotional responses | |
empathy | |
Employee engagement | |
Empowerment | |
endogeneity | |
endorsement strategy | |
Engagement | |
Entrepreneurial orientation | |
entrepreneurs' decision-making logic | |
Environmental Concern | |
Environmental Knowledge | |
Esports | |
Ethical Climate | |
Ethical Considerations | |
Ethical decision making | |
ethical evaluations | |
ethics | |
eudaimonic orientation | |
event study | |
Evolution | |
eWOM | |
Experience Mavens | |
Experiential Product Marketing | |
experiment | |
Exploratory Study | |
Extended Self | |
eye tracking | |
Eye-Tracking | |
F | |
Facial Expression | |
Fake news | |
Fake Reviews | |
Fan behavior | |
Field Experiment | |
Financial Decision Making | |
Financial literacy | |
Firm innovation | |
Firm Orientation | |
firm performance | |
firm value | |
Food | |
food insecurity | |
food pantry | |
food preference | |
For-Profit Higher Education Institutions | |
Forgiveness | |
founder | |
Framework | |
France | |
Front-line Employees' Satisfaction | |
Frontline Employee | |
frontline service | |
Frontline service providers | |
Fun | |
future of the marketing discipline | |
Future of Work | |
G | |
Gaussian copula | |
Gay consumers | |
Gen Z | |
Gender | |
Gender stereotypes | |
Generation | |
Generation X | |
Generation Z | |
Generational cohort | |
Generational Cohort Theory | |
Generative AI | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence | |
gift-giving | |
Gig economy | |
Global consumers | |
goal conflict | |
Green Purchase Intention | |
Greenwashing | |
grounded theory | |
Guilt | |
gullibility | |
H | |
Haptic reviews | |
Haptics | |
Healthcare services | |
Healthcare technology | |
Hedonic appraisal | |
hedonic orientation | |
Heuristics | |
high school students | |
High-tech industry | |
Homophily | |
Hospitality | |
Hospitality firm value | |
human brand authenticity | |
human service agent | |
Human Touch | |
Human-AI teams | |
Human-independent | |
human-likeness | |
Human-robot collaboration | |
Humanitarian Context | |
Humor | |
I | |
image analysis | |
Immersion | |
impulsive buying tendency | |
In-feed Advertising | |
In-role branding behavior | |
Inclusion | |
inclusivity | |
Inconspicuous Luxury | |
Indigenous theory | |
Individualistic culture | |
influence | |
Influence Tactics | |
Influencer Authenticity | |
influencer marketing | |
Influencers | |
influencers’ human brand loyalty | |
Influential Consumers | |
Information | |
Information adoption | |
Informational and Normative Cues | |
Innovation | |
Innovation capabilities | |
Intention to join anti-brand communities | |
Intention to participate in anti-brand communities | |
interaction | |
interaction customer/salesperson | |
Interactional Justice | |
Interactive marketing | |
Internal Marketing | |
International Market Expansion | |
interview | |
inverted U-shape | |
IS success model | |
J | |
Job Demands-Resource Model | |
job market | |
Job satisfaction | |
judgment | |
K | |
Kama Muta | |
L | |
large field study | |
Large Language Models | |
lay theories | |
lead users | |
learning | |
Learning capabilities | |
LGBTQ+ | |
life satisfaction | |
Liquid Self | |
Live commerce | |
Live shopping | |
live streaming platforms | |
Live-streaming shopping | |
Livestream commerce | |
Livestream Marketing | |
livestream selling | |
Livestreaming | |
logos | |
Loneliness | |
Longitudinal data | |
Luxury | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Manager rule bending | |
Managerial Relevance | |
Managerial Skills | |
Market competitiveness | |
Market Mavens | |
market offers | |
Market Orientation | |
Market sensing | |
marketing | |
Marketing agility | |
marketing analytics | |
marketing communications | |
marketing doctoral programs | |
marketing education | |
Marketing ethics | |
marketing experiences | |
marketing innovation | |
Marketing Research | |
Marketing Strategy | |
marketplace sentiments | |
Markets | |
Masstige Luxury Consumption | |
media context | |
Mega events | |
Memorability | |
Mental Health | |
Mental Models | |
Message anthropomorphism | |
Message framing | |
metaphorical thinking | |
Metaverse | |
metric | |
mindfulness | |
Minority consumers | |
Mixed Method | |
Mixed Methods Research | |
Mobile food delivery application | |
Mobile retailing | |
Mobile shopping apps | |
Mobility Market | |
moral emotions | |
Moral Hazard | |
moral philosophy | |
morality | |
motivation | |
movie | |
Multidisciplinary | |
Multiple Regression Analysis | |
Multisensory experience | |
Music familiarity | |
N | |
Narrative | |
Narrative Arc | |
National Culture | |
Native Advertising | |
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | |
Nature bonding | |
NCA | |
necessary condition analysis | |
necessity analysis | |
necessity logic | |
Need for Belonging | |
Negative online brand engagement | |
Negotiation | |
Neuroscience | |
New Media | |
new Product development | |
new product performance | |
NFTs | |
Non-Driving related activities in autonomous vehicles | |
Non-fungible tokens | |
Nonprofit Organization | |
NWOM | |
O | |
observation | |
offensiveness | |
Omnichannel | |
Online Advertising | |
Online Delivery Services | |
Online engagement | |
online payments | |
Online Repurchase Intention | |
Online Reviews | |
online shopping experience | |
Opera | |
Optimism | |
Organizational Culture | |
Organizational resilience | |
Out-of-Stocks | |
Overall perceived value | |
Overcrowding | |
oversizing | |
P | |
package design | |
Paradox of choice | |
partial least squares | |
Patient well-being | |
Patient-centricity | |
payment methods | |
Pedagogy | |
Perceived Brand Smartness | |
Perceived fairness | |
Perceived Fit | |
Perceived Quality | |
Perceived Service Quality | |
perceived uniqueness | |
performance | |
Personalisation-privacy paradox | |
Personalization | |
Personalization-privacy paradox | |
Personalized Ads | |
Persuasion | |
persuasion knowledge | |
Pets | |
Phygital | |
Phygital Assets | |
Phygital natives | |
place attachment | |
Planning | |
Platformic Affordances | |
Pleasure | |
PLS | |
point-of-purchase | |
policy | |
Political Ideology | |
Political Orientation | |
poster | |
practice | |
Praising | |
preference | |
prevention orientation | |
Price confusion | |
price promotion | |
Price Promtion | |
Price Rigidity | |
Price-quality inference | |
Pride | |
Privacy | |
Privacy calculus theory | |
privacy concern | |
Pro environmental behavior | |
Pro-environmental frame | |
Pro-social frame | |
Pro-Social Messaging | |
Proactive Assistance | |
process innovation | |
Process vs. outcome focus | |
product attribute description | |
product evaluations | |
product usage | |
promotion orientation | |
Propensity to Anthropomorphize | |
Prosocial Products | |
psychological distance | |
Psychological needs for autonomy | |
Psychological ownership | |
Public Branding | |
Public policy | |
Punishment severity | |
Purchase Confidence | |
Purchase intention | |
purchase intentions | |
Q | |
qualitative | |
Qualitative Analysis | |
Qualitative Design | |
Qualitative Interview Study | |
Qualitative Research | |
Quantitative Analysis | |
Quantitative Research | |
R | |
Racial stigma | |
Rational Inattention | |
reaction times | |
Reasons against | |
Reasons for | |
recovery | |
Referral | |
Referral Program | |
regression | |
regulation | |
regulatory focus | |
regulatory theory | |
relatedness | |
relationship | |
Relationship Building | |
Relationship disruptions | |
Relationship Management | |
Relationship Quality | |
religiosity | |
Remuneration | |
Research Methods | |
Residential satisfaction | |
Response Behaviuor | |
Response strategy | |
Responsibility attribution | |
retail | |
retail architecture | |
Retail Environments | |
Retail journey | |
Retail Technology | |
Retailer interface | |
Retailing | |
Retaliation | |
Review | |
Reward-Based Crowdfunding | |
Rider | |
Risk-taking | |
Robots | |
role stress | |
S | |
Sales | |
Sales capabilities | |
Sales funnel | |
sales management | |
sales manager | |
sales team | |
Sales team ethical standard | |
Sales team ethics training | |
Sales team knowledge sharing | |
Sales technology | |
Sales typology | |
Sales-stacks | |
Salesperson | |
satisfaction | |
Scale development | |
Scalpers | |
Scape-goating | |
scepticism | |
Scopus | |
Screencast Videography | |
second-hand products | |
Security | |
segmentation | |
Self-Concept | |
Self-Consistency | |
self-construal | |
Self-determination theory | |
Self-Enhancement | |
self-gifting | |
self-regulation | |
Self-reported recycling behavior | |
self-store image congruency | |
Seller valuation | |
SEM | |
Semantic Topic Modelling | |
Sensory | |
Sensory Congruence | |
Sensory imagery | |
Sensory marketing | |
Service | |
Service Agents | |
Service Design | |
Service Encounter | |
service evaluation | |
Service experience | |
Service failure | |
Service failures | |
service innovation | |
Service Marketing | |
Service Quality | |
Service Recovery | |
Service robot | |
Service Robots | |
Service Worker | |
Servicescapes | |
SFA | |
shapes | |
Sharenting | |
Signaling Theory | |
Signalling theory | |
Sincerity | |
Skepticism | |
small self | |
Smart City Adaption | |
Smart Home Adaption | |
smart shopper feeling | |
Smartphone | |
SNAP | |
Social Advocacy | |
Social Campaign | |
Social commerce | |
social comparison | |
Social Disinhibition | |
social enterprise | |
social entrepreneurship | |
Social influence | |
social innovation | |
Social Integrity | |
Social judgment | |
Social justice | |
Social Learning Theory | |
social media | |
Social media adoption age | |
social media data | |
Social Media Engagement | |
Social Media Influencers | |
Social media marketing | |
social media platforms | |
social media usage | |
social networks | |
social norm | |
Social Policing | |
Social Role Theory | |
Sonic Environment | |
source credibility | |
Special Session | |
sponsored influencer video | |
sport marketing | |
Stackable discounts | |
Stakeholder theory | |
State of Power | |
Stimulation | |
store atmospherics | |
store attachment | |
Story | |
Storytelling | |
Strategic | |
Strategic Obfuscation | |
Strategic objectives | |
Strategy | |
structural equation modeling | |
Structural Relations | |
Student Engagement | |
subscription services | |
sufficiency logic | |
Supplying | |
sustainability | |
Sustainable attitudes | |
Sustainable messaging | |
sustainable product innovation | |
sustainablity | |
Systematic Literature Review | |
T | |
taste | |
Taste perception | |
Taste transference | |
Team identification | |
Teasing | |
Technical | |
Technology acceptance | |
Technology adoption | |
technology affordances | |
technology innovation | |
technology marketing | |
Technology-mediated service | |
technostress | |
temporality | |
text mining | |
Textual data analysis | |
The CASA | |
Theory of Planned Behaviour | |
TikTok and music artists' perceived authenticity | |
TikTok's disruptive influence on music | |
tip visibility | |
tipping | |
top management team | |
Topic Modeling | |
Touchpoints | |
Tourism | |
transaction utility | |
Transformation Readiness | |
Transformative Marketing | |
transparency | |
travel | |
Travel Inspiration | |
trial campaign | |
true-to-self authenticity | |
Trust | |
Trust in AI | |
Trust-risk beliefs | |
Turnover intention | |
Typology | |
U | |
Uncertainty avoidance | |
Unique Products | |
Universal basic income | |
Unstructured data | |
Upcycling Brand | |
usefulness | |
User Engagement | |
User Experience | |
Uses and Gratifications Theory | |
V | |
Value | |
Value Co-creation | |
Value congruence | |
Value creation | |
Value exchange | |
Value for customers | |
Value for firm | |
Values for customer | |
Values from customer | |
variable pay | |
Verification Status | |
Video Ads | |
Video Analysis | |
Videogame | |
Virality | |
Virtual Element Shapes | |
Virtual influencer | |
Virtual Influencers | |
Virtual Reality | |
Virtual try-on | |
Virtual Worlds | |
Visit Intentions | |
Visual Cues | |
visual design | |
Voice Commerce | |
VOSViewer | |
W | |
Warzone | |
Web of Science | |
Well-being | |
wellbeing | |
Willingness to donate | |
Willingness to volunteer | |
WOM | |
Women social entrepreneurs | |
Word of mouth | |
Work engagement | |
Y | |
young consumers | |
youth | |
Z | |
zero moment of truth |