c |
cognitive reasoning | CoRg: Commonsense Reasoning Using a Theorem Prover and Machine Learning |
commonsense reasoning | CoRg: Commonsense Reasoning Using a Theorem Prover and Machine Learning |
concept composition | Leibniz on Reasoning about Impossible Concepts Concepts as Modalities in Description Logics |
connection method | A Roadmap to Gradually Compare and Benchmark Description Logic Calculi |
d |
Description Logic | A Roadmap to Gradually Compare and Benchmark Description Logic Calculi |
description logic benchmarking | A Roadmap to Gradually Compare and Benchmark Description Logic Calculi |
Description Logics | Leibniz on Reasoning about Impossible Concepts Concepts as Modalities in Description Logics |
e |
Explainable Artificial Intelligence | CoRg: Commonsense Reasoning Using a Theorem Prover and Machine Learning |
i |
Impossible Concept | Leibniz on Reasoning about Impossible Concepts |
interactive theorem proving | Competitive Proving for Fun |
invariant synthesis | On Inductive Verification and Synthesis |
Isabelle/HOL | Competitive Proving for Fun |
k |
Knowledge Graph | Inducing Schema.org markup from Natural Language Context |
l |
local theory extensions | On Inductive Verification and Synthesis |
m |
multi-modal logic | Leibniz on Reasoning about Impossible Concepts Concepts as Modalities in Description Logics |
o |
Ontologies | CoRg: Commonsense Reasoning Using a Theorem Prover and Machine Learning |
Ontology | An Ontology for Transportation System |
q |
quantifier elimination | On Inductive Verification and Synthesis |
r |
RDFa | Inducing Schema.org markup from Natural Language Context |
Reasoner | A Roadmap to Gradually Compare and Benchmark Description Logic Calculi |
s |
schema.org | Inducing Schema.org markup from Natural Language Context |
Semantic Interoperability | An Ontology for Transportation System |
semantic markup | Inducing Schema.org markup from Natural Language Context |
SMT | On Inductive Verification and Synthesis |
structured data | Inducing Schema.org markup from Natural Language Context |
t |
theorem proving | CoRg: Commonsense Reasoning Using a Theorem Prover and Machine Learning |
theorem proving competition | Competitive Proving for Fun |
Transport Ontology | An Ontology for Transportation System |
Transportation System | An Ontology for Transportation System |
w |
Web Data Commons | Inducing Schema.org markup from Natural Language Context |