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W.A. Mozart: social reappraisal of love emotion and its interpretation in romanticism

EasyChair Preprint no. 2693

4 pagesDate: February 18, 2020


The main idea of ​​the report is to optimize the relationship between musical analysis and the history of music.

In the second part of the third piano sonata (Salzburg, 1774). Mozart carried out, in the spirit of the times, a social reappraisal of the emotion of love, pushing it to the level of self-sufficiency of expression. For the first time in romanticism, the expressive correlation of love emotion and a new type of contour manifested itself in the side part of the Midsummer Night's Dream overture, and later in the Wedding March.

Not a single composer of the era of romanticism passed this ratio, giving each time its original interpretation.

It is logical that this ratio was implemented in musical theater (opera, ballet) and in overtures, the content of which is the embodiment of theatrical collisions: “A Midsummer Night's Dream”, the overture-fantasy “Romeo and Juliet”. Love melodies with the indicated type of contour are close to the concept of “function - structure”, with the help of which marking of the temporal boundaries of musical romanticism can be carried out.

For the history of music, the primary task of analysis is to obtain reference information. By identifying the time and place of expressive techniques, the basis is created for studying the causality of their occurrence. In the bowels of Western European and Russian musical history, there are a lot of techniques, the analytical disclosure of which will give the history of music the necessary concreteness.

Keyphrases: анализ, взаимодействие дисциплин, история музыки, сравнительные исследования

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Iaroslav Mironenko},
  title = {W.A. Mozart: social reappraisal of love emotion and its interpretation in romanticism},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 2693},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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