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Analysis of the Road Geometry in Segments Considered Critical in Terms of Road Accidents

EasyChair Preprint no. 3724

16 pagesDate: July 3, 2020


Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among people aged 5 to 29, according to the World Health Organization (2018). In 2018 alone, 1.35 million people worldwide died from accidents of traffic. The causes of accidents are as varied as possible: recklessness, speeding, in addition to the situation of the roads, related to the road geometry, the condition of the pavement, the failure of the drainage system, the absence of signs and lighting, or, the set of two or more situations.

The adaptations of accident generating centers are a set of measures designed to provide better safety conditions on the most critical stretches of roads. Determining the locations where the adoption of accident mitigation measures results in the greatest financial return requires economic factors, the number and severity of accidents, the number of individuals affected and the logistical importance of the location to the state/country.

Based on these assumptions, a two-step formulation was elaborated in which the first is the identification of the critical segment using the MIQ (Quality Score Method), which is the relationship between the number of occurrences recorded in a given location (Occurrence Report and Coding Card) and the maximum number of occurrences that could be expected from a "normal" location with its basic operating characteristics. The second stage is the analysis of the geometric condition of Highway SC - 108 on the stretch between the municipalities of Urussanga and Criciúma, between km 351 + 750 and km 367 + 000, in order to collaborate for future improvements in road safety on the stretch.

Keyphrases: Acidentes, Geometria, Pontos críticos

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Alexandre Mosimann Silveira and Anderson Barboza Esteves and Andréa Cristina Konrath and Mariana Salvan Franco and Vera Do Carmo Comparsi de Vargas},
  title = {Analysis of the Road Geometry in Segments Considered Critical in Terms of Road Accidents},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 3724},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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