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Mathematics and life, what relationship?

EasyChair Preprint no. 5969

14 pagesDate: June 30, 2021


This article presents a study on the importance of mathematics in the lives of citizens and the way children view it. Since the first years of schooling, it is important to approach mathematical content based on real life facts, which will lead the child to better understand the need to learn mathematics. Thus, this article presents us with a review of the evolution of logical-mathematical structures, with the aim of substantiating that in the early days of civilizations there was already a need to count, measure, build, so, it can be said that, Mathematics was evolving thanks to human needs for survival and quality of life. Today, citizens' lives are inconceivable without their presence. The choice of the theme of the activity, “The Reis Magos party” is intended to challenge the children to organize a party, from shopping, confection of the cake and socializing, leading them to feel pleasure when acquiring or consolidating mathematical knowledge. The implemented case study, initially prepared to be done in a 1st cycle class, was only possible with two children due to the current pandemic situation. However, consistent conclusions were drawn, such as the best choice in relation to the shopping list according to the value available, the resolution of problems related to the recipe for the king cake and its division into slices at the time of socializing, the making of a king's crown, among others. In the applied methodology, the use of ICT, “Voki”, “Storyjumper” and “Mentimeter” was privileged, as well as group work.

Keyphrases: História da Matemática, Matemática em Contexto, Resolução de problemas

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Maria Conceição Pereira da Silva and Mariana Martins Campos and Mariana Sousa Santos and Patrícia Teixeira Tavares and Dárida Maria Fernandes},
  title = {Mathematics and life, what relationship?},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 5969},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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