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Prediction of Malignancy in Lung Cancer Using Several Strategies for the Fusion of Multi-Channel Pyradiomics Images

EasyChair Preprint no. 10864

5 pagesDate: September 7, 2023


This study shows the generation process and the subsequent study of the representation space obtained by extracting GLCM texture features from computer-aided tomography (CT) scans of pulmonary nodules (PN). For this, data from 92 patients from the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital were used. The workflow focuses on feature extraction using Pyradiomics and the VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The aim of the study is to assess whether the data obtained have a positive impact on the diagnosis of lung cancer (LC). To design a machine learning (ML) model training method that allows generalization, we train SVM and neural network (NN) models, evaluating diagnosis performance using metrics defined at slice and nodule level.

Keyphrases: early diagnosis, Lung Cancer, nodule diagnosis, nodule diagnosis., Radiomics, Screening

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Guillermo Torres and Jan Rodríguez Dueñas and Sonia Baeza Mena and Antoni Rosell Gratacós and Carles Sanchez and Debora Gil},
  title = {Prediction of Malignancy in Lung Cancer Using Several Strategies for the Fusion of Multi-Channel Pyradiomics Images},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 10864},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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