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Simulation of the Super-scalar Processor Core Operation

EasyChair Preprint 591

6 pagesDate: October 26, 2018


The article considers the features of super-scalar processors, their way of performing several operations on several pairs of operands simultaneously. The research focuses on the organization of processor pipeline execution operation of several machine instructions in one processor core. The simulating kit was developed for better understanding of a processor core microarchitecture. It includes two parts: program and methodical recommendations with multiple task options. The simulating kit demonstrates the pipeline architecture consisting of two clusters: front-end and back-end and the principle of translating complex multi-cycle CISC-like instructions into simpler RISC-like micro-operations. The main types of machine instructions are considered: data transfer between registers and memory cells (four variations), data processing of couple of operands from registers and memory cells (four variations), conditional jump to the specified address. The program-simulator makes it possible to conduct a more detailed simulation of one of the three mechanisms for calculations accelerating in the processor core: multi-functional (super-scalar) processing, out-of-order processing, speculative instructions execution after the branch prediction. The simulating kit is used in educational process when training masters of Higher School of Economics National Research University.

Keyphrases: CPU core, branch prediction, out-of-order processing, pipeline simulation, super-scalar processor

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Andrey Vishnekov and Elena Ivanova},
  title     = {Simulation of the Super-scalar Processor Core Operation},
  doi       = {10.29007/qfrf},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 591},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2018}}
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