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A Wide Power Range Segment Control and Soft-Switching Implementation Method Based on AVC-VF Control

EasyChair Preprint no. 13317

6 pagesDate: May 16, 2024


The inverter works under hard-switching, and the high-frequency conversion of electric energy through the inverter will cause a lot of energy loss, which will reduce the transmission efficiency of the system. In order to solve this problem, scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on this problem and achieved some results. However, the system still has problems of running in non-soft-switching area and poor control stability when it is in a wide range of output. Aiming at the problems existing in the research of soft-switching technology in EV-WPT system, this paper studies the soft-switching control strategy of inverter under wide power range output, and proposes a segmented control method based on asymmetric voltage cancellation-variable frequency (AVC-VF) control, which can realize wide power range output of the system while keeping the soft-switching operation of the inverter, effectively reducing the energy loss of the inverter, thus improving the system efficiency.

In this paper, the EV-WPT system with LCC-S resonance compensation topology is taken as the research object, and the time domain model of the system is established and its output characteristics are analyzed. A segment control method based on asymmetric voltage cancellation (AVC) control is presented, which can realize the wide range output of the system. On this basis, a segment control method based on asymmetric voltage cancellation-variable frequency (AVC-VF) control is proposed, which can realize the wide power range output of the system and keep the soft-switching operation of the inverter. The segment control method based on AVC-VF control is analyzed from the control principle and concrete implementation flow, and the optimal operation trajectory of inverter to realize soft-switching is given.

Keyphrases: AVC-VF control, EV-WPT technology, LCC-S resonant compensation topology, Soft-switching technology

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Yuhong Mo and Jing Xiao and Xiaoyu Zhu and Shaonan Chen and Xiaorui Wu},
  title = {A Wide Power Range Segment Control and Soft-Switching Implementation Method Based on AVC-VF Control},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13317},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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