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How the Use of Microsoft Teams Influences the Academic Performance of the Student from Their Learning Experience

EasyChair Preprint 14765

9 pagesDate: September 9, 2024


For decades, education has placed students solving problems and learning in traditional ways; however, the phenomenon of social transformation and evolution of students requires the use of didactic tools based on technology and the Internet. The following research developed focuses on the theoretical interpretation to understand the experiences of using the Microsoft Teams educational platform in relation to improving teaching or learning that improves their academic performance during their academic training in high school in a city in Puebla. This research is carried out within the qualitative paradigm given the subjective nature of the information, which is provided by the participating subjects. To achieve the research, a semi-structured interview was applied; Subsequently, an artisanal analysis was carried out on the information collected, using open coding supported by the authors Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin (2002) in order to give the result through an interpretive-hermeneutic. The main finding refers to the fact that the majority of students expressed a certain relationship between their expectations and academic performance with the use of the Microsoft Teams platform, stating that it can provide them with many facilities to learn and carry out teaching activities in subjects of the specialty. of Programming. The importance lies in seeking to support the educational community of Higher Secondary Education to determine how teaching improves; and how it influences the students who take this subject and use this teaching tool, Microsoft Teams, in their class hours; In short, a research is presented that seeks to express the meaning that students give and how to improve their academic performance in learning the subject. The research presented collaborates in the construction of knowledge of the specific area, that is, it helps create contextualized theory on the topic presented.

Keyphrases: Educación, Rendimiento, Tecnológica

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Olga López Fortiz},
  title     = {How the Use of Microsoft Teams Influences the Academic Performance of the Student from Their Learning Experience},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 14765},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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