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The Examination of the Environmental Attitudes Among the Students in Szigetköz

EasyChair Preprint no. 10564

8 pagesDate: July 14, 2023


Szigetköz is Hungary's largest island, a special region of Europe, with natural and cultural values, national park and nature park areas, which was significantly influenced and is still threatened by the construction of the Bős hydroelectric power plant and the diversion of the Danube. (Guti 2022, Smith et al. 2002) 
Within the framework of the INSULA MAGNA project, the sustainability pedagogy research group of our faculty planned and implemented a complex investigation. The aim of our research is to plan our attitude formation actions, our forest school program, as well as the training and further training of teachers based on the situation analysis, with which we can improve the environmental attitudes of the students on the island.
With the complex investigation we carried out, on the one hand we wanted to explore the environmental awareness of schoolchildren living and studying in the region. On the other hand, by examining the pedagogical programs of the schools and by structured written interviews prepared for the headteachers, we wanted to map the sustainability - pedagogical practices of the institutions and their emerging needs.
We used exploratory and processing methods in our research, including document analysis, written interviews, statistical methods and qualitative analysis.
Based on the answers to the questions in the survey, we can conclude that the students basically have an environmentally conscious attitude. However, their knowledge about Szigetköz is not extensive.
Unfortunately, our assumption that the active participation in life of Szigetköz does not appear in school education, or in the programmes organized by schools, has been confirmed. While Szigetköz offers a lot of programmes that can be implemented in teaching - learning procedures as well as environmental education, schools in Szigetköz and close to Szigetköz do not, or use this opportunity only to a limited extend, based on the students' answers.

Keyphrases: education for sustainability, environemntalpedagogy, Environmental Attitude

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Balint Lampert and Lajosné Csenger and Viktória Kövecsesné Dr. Gősi and Szilvia Petzné Tóth and Andras Albert Halbritter},
  title = {The Examination of the Environmental Attitudes Among the Students in Szigetköz},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 10564},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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