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The Relationship between Foreign Literary Work Reading and Intercultural Competence of Chinese College Students

EasyChair Preprint 757

9 pagesDate: January 27, 2019


This study constructs a scale to investigate Chinese college students’ foreign literary work reading situation based on the basic genres of literary works, and to explore the correlation between foreign literary work reading and six dimensions of intercultural competence. Through reliability analysis, the results show that the Foreign Literary Work Reading Scale for Chinese College Students has good reliability. Moreover, the basic situation analysis of foreign literary work reading and intercultural competence development is conducted by Foreign Literary Work Reading Scale for Chinese College Students and Assessment of Intercultural Competence of Chinese College Students (AIC-CCS), which is proposed by Wu et al (2013). Finally, combined with the Pearson Correlation of SPSS, the correlation analysis is performed and reveals that there is a significant positive relationship between foreign literary work reading and intercultural competence. And it has the greatest effect on knowledge of others, the general effect on intercultural communicative and cognitive skills, and the minimal effect on knowledge of self, attitudes and awareness. This research can provide a theoretical basis for foreign language teaching, and also can provide a practical reference for carrying out activities to improve intercultural competence.

Keyphrases: Chinese college students, foreign literary work reading, intercultural competence

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Li Ting and Wu Wei Ping},
  title     = {The Relationship between Foreign Literary Work Reading and Intercultural Competence of Chinese College Students},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 757},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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