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Feasibility Study and Planning of an Intermediate Port at Ponnani

EasyChair Preprint 15292

8 pagesDate: October 23, 2024


Seaports or simply ports are the principal conduits through which the economic life of a maritime life flows. These are the links in the chain of transportation of cargo through sea, land, or pipeline. As maritime gateways, port serve as interface between sea and land links and have to handle enormous flow of goods, which are broken down to smaller for distribution to the hinterland by road, rail and inland waterways. This paper comes with the solution for Kerala's problems related to port development. This paper presents feasibility study and Planning of a Port at Ponnani. Ponnani is such a port to be developed in line to intensify coastal shipping. Ponnani is well located at an advantageous position with regard to the development of west coast canal system in Kerala. The port has to act as seaport as well as an IWT terminal. Ponnani although had great sea fairing tradition, presently it is only a fishing harbor with signal station. However among active ports in the state, it is listed along with Beypore , Vizhinjam, Thankassery, Neendakara and Azheekkal. Ponnani can also play a role as a satellite port for Cochin port in cruise tourism and support the major port by relieving it for Lakshadweep transportation. All these depend upon the development of the port for handling and berth facilities and increasing the draft of the channel, berth and anchorage in future. We have done the planning using the Indian Standard Code Of Practice For Planning and Design Of Ports and Harbours and UNCTAD manual.

Keyphrases: Design, Harbour, Seaport

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BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {R K Dilba and V Faijas},
  title     = {Feasibility Study and Planning of an Intermediate Port at Ponnani},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15292},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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