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ODMP:A Lightweight Online Software Defect Management Platform

EasyChair Preprint no. 2211

5 pagesDate: December 21, 2019


Early detection, tracking, controlling and managing software errors effectively has become an important means to improve the quality of software and ensure the normal operation of the system. Commercial defect management software is more expensive, but some open-source defect managements like Bugzilla, are more or fewer deficiencies in meeting actual demand. it is found that these open source tools have certain redundancy functions with actual use, complicated processes, pictures can only be uploaded in the form of attachments, weak defect statistical functions, problems in data export and migration, etc.

This paper is to design and implement a lightweight online software defect management platform (ODMP) suitable for small software research and development teams; which uses SSM (Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis) open-source framework for development, and achieves tracking and management of defects in different roles. Testers can submit defects, developers can view the tasks assigned to repair defects, and modify the defect status after completing the tasks assigned by the project team leader to repair defects, and also submit to the project team leader for defect confirmation. By providing visual defect statistics results, ODMP is a means that gives insight in the quality level of the code or documentation. To ensure that the process is uniform and standardized, this tool handles and controls defect effectively following an appropriate defect life cycle, which attains different states during its life span. 

It shows by applying ODMP to some small development teams that the management of users, projects and defect levels is simplified, which can better meet the daily management needs of software testing team laboratories and can run steadily, basically meeting the needs of users.

Keyphrases: defect management, software defects, SSM framework

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Alexander N. K. Ottinah and Ya Pan and Ao Haiyang},
  title = {ODMP:A Lightweight Online Software Defect Management Platform},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 2211},

  year = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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