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Design of a Lightweight and Easy-to-Wear Hand Glove with Multi-Modal Tactile Perception for Digital Human

EasyChair Preprint no. 13507

12 pagesDate: June 3, 2024


Within the field of human-computer interaction, data gloves play an essential role in establishing a connection between virtual and physical environments for the realization of digital human. To enhance the credibility of human-virtual hand interactions, we aim to develop a system incorporating a data glove-embedded technology. Our proposed system collects a wide range of information (temperature, bending, and pressure of fingers) that arise during natural interactions and afterwards reproduce them within the virtual environment. Furthermore, we implement a novel traversal polling technique to facilitate the streamlined aggregation of multi-channel sensors. This mitigates the hardware complexity of the embedded system. The experimental results indicate that the data glove demonstrates a high degree of precision in acquiring real-time hand interaction information, as well as effectively displaying hand posture in real-time using Unity3D. The data glove's lightweight and compact design facilitates its versatile utilization in virtual reality interactions.

Keyphrases: AR/VR/XR, data gloves, Digital Human, embedded system, Human Computer Interaction, Metaverse, virtual environment

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Zhigeng Pan and Hongyi Ren and Chang Liu and Ming Chen and Mithun Mukherjee and Wenzhen Yang},
  title = {Design of a Lightweight and Easy-to-Wear Hand Glove with Multi-Modal Tactile Perception for Digital Human},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13507},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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