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Comprehensive Thermoeconomic Diagram for the Thermal System Cost Assessment using Physical and Productive Internal Flows

EasyChair Preprint no. 422

11 pagesDate: August 13, 2018


All thermoeconomic methodologies need to define the productive purpose (products and fuels) of the plant, at both system and subsystem levels. Some of them use a productive diagram in order to represent the productive purpose of the plant and assess the cost of internal productive flows and final products. In other words, they use productive flows (instead of physical flows), although all the productive flows are defined in relation to the physical flows presented in the flow sheet of the plant. Other thermoeconomic methodologies do not use productive diagrams and, consequently, they use physical diagram and assess the cost of the internal physical flows (instead of productive flows). In the productive diagrams the subsystems are connected using internal productive flows (fuels and products) and fictitious components (junctions and separators), without taking into account the interconnection of the subsystem using the same physical flows presented in the flow sheet of the plant. This work presents a comprehensive thermoeconomic diagram in which both physical and productive internal flows are represented, the subsystems are connected using the same physical flows presented in the flow sheet of the plant and allows the assessment of unit costs of both physical and productive flows. This comprehensive diagram avoids the arbitrariness and criticism related to the interconnection of subsystems by means of flows and components that do not exist in the flow sheet of the plant. Furthermore, the results show that the unit costs of both physical and productive flows obtained using this comprehensive diagram are the same as the ones obtained, separately, using the conventional physical and productive diagram, respectively.

Keyphrases: Comprehensive Diagram, Internal Flow Cost, Physical Diagram, Productive Diagram, Thermoeconomics

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Leandro Avellar and Marcelo Barone and Dimas José Rúa Orozco and Atílio Lourenço and José Santos and Felipe Arrieta},
  title = {Comprehensive Thermoeconomic Diagram for the Thermal System Cost Assessment using Physical and Productive Internal Flows},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 422},

  year = {EasyChair, 2018}}
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