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Graphene-Based Filtration Media for Spacecraft Potable Water Systems: an Early Investigation

EasyChair Preprint no. 13560

13 pagesDate: June 5, 2024


Graphene-based materials have allowed fundamental advances in fields such as energy storage, electronics development, material science, optics, medicine, and water processing due to its unique two-dimensional structure, mechanical robustness, large surface, and high conductivity. However, little to no effort has been devoted to exploiting and studying these materials to develop new water technologies suited for spacecraft applications. One such application is the potential use of graphene-based materials as filtration media for reclaimed water. Therefore, studying the adsorptive performance of these new materials becomes crucial in identifying the opportunity to replace/upgrade State-of-the-Art filtration media currently used in space vehicles with water-recovery capability; especially if consumable requirements can be lessened as a result of extended filtration capacity. This early life-support-systems investigation pioneers in graphene-research by testing a number of graphene-based materials in comparative adsorption and antimicrobial experiments where contaminant removal efficiency, maximum adsorption capacity, and log reduction are probed. This preliminary investigation informs on the practicability of using graphene-based materials as filtration media and provides a discussion on the scaling-up and optimization of this prospective filtration technology for spacecraft potable water systems.

Keyphrases: ECLSS, filtration, Graphene, purification, spacecraft, water, water recovery

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Rogelio Garcia Fernandez and Michael Callahan and Luke Gurtowski},
  title = {Graphene-Based Filtration Media for Spacecraft Potable Water Systems: an Early Investigation},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13560},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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