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Effect of ZnO Sputtering Time as Photoanode ITO-PEN/TiO2/ZnO on Microstructure and Optical Properties for Flexible DSSC

EasyChair Preprint no. 11282

6 pagesDate: November 13, 2023


The development of renewable energy sources is urgently needed to reduce the use of fossil fuels globally, so renewable energy devices are needed to produce electricity supplies. The Flexible DSSC System photoanode (ITO- PEN/TiO2/ZnO-D205) was developed as a photovoltaic device to produce high enough electrical energy and is flexible it is easy to apply compared to other DSSC systems. TiO2/ZnO layer is deposited using the sputtering method with varying sputtering times of 0, 30 and 60 minutes which will give rise to different characteristics. The structural characterization and optical properties were tested using XRD and UV-Vis. The analysis results show that increasing the sputtering time causes a high XRD peak which then reduces the crystal size, increases the crystallinity, and the energy band gap decreases. The highest sample absorbance maximum value was recorded at 60 minutes, in the wavelength range of 405 nm with a band gap energy of 3.08 eV, and a crystal size of 16.31 nm and crystallinity of 43.9%. Thus, the novelty of the Flexible DSSC device with photoanode (ITO-PEN/TiO2/ZnO-D205) has the potential to sustain research on renewable energy sources in the field of integrated solar cells.

Keyphrases: Flexible DSSC, Sputtering, TiO2, ZnO

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Anjar Nur Ramadhani and Markus Diantoro and Herlin Pujiarti and Arif Nur Afandi},
  title = {Effect of ZnO Sputtering Time as Photoanode ITO-PEN/TiO2/ZnO on Microstructure and Optical Properties for Flexible DSSC},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 11282},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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