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Implementing Shape Grammar to Generate New Façades Based on the Historic Façades of Iconic Buildings on Naser-Khosrow Street in Tehran

EasyChair Preprint no. 5168

20 pagesDate: March 16, 2021


A methodology for designing new structures and reinvigorating existing buildings in keeping with a historic urban area is presented. The proposed approach draws on Hadighi and Duarte’s (2019, 2020) systematic methodology for analyzing and creating hybrid architectural design developed based in part on comparisons between distinctive architectural examples to verify their hybrid expression of European modernism and traditional American style. In the present paper, their methodology is further developed to create hybrid designs for potential use in historic urban contexts. The proposed methodology is developed and explored in relation to Naser-Khosrow Street, a historical axis of Iran’s capital, Tehran, as the focal area.

The literature includes studies demonstrating that the shape grammar methodology can be used to analyze existing traditional urban textures. However, in the present paper, shape grammar is introduced as a productive and practical tool for encoding the architectural characteristics of three significant urban façades on a focal street, referred to as the grammar corpus. To define the design language of selected buildings, designers can apply a computational design method capable of generating new façade layouts based on extracted grammars. On this basis, the shape grammar methodology is expanded to create new buildings and reinvigorate existing structures in a traditional urban context in ways that are compatible with and possibly even exemplify the characteristic features of the contextual urban space.

Keyphrases: Façade design., Generating harmony, Historic context, Naser-Khosrow Street, shape grammar, urban heritage

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Niloofar Zolghadrasli and Eduardo Costa and Mahyar Hadighi},
  title = {Implementing Shape Grammar to Generate New Façades Based on the Historic Façades of Iconic Buildings on Naser-Khosrow Street in Tehran},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 5168},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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