Download PDFOpen PDF in browserA Pilot Study Examines the Experimentally and Numerical Analysis of an AGMD Membrane Distillation SystemEasyChair Preprint 158486 pages•Date: February 20, 2025AbstractOur work consists in presenting the results of an invention for a membrane distillation system coupled to an efficient and robust water solar collector which produces potable water with high quality and a small percentage of brackish discharge independent of salinity of the water source. Then to optimize and to characterize experimental of the air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) on a pilot plant. During the tests, brackish water was used, ranging from 4.2 to 12.5 g / l of salt. The results show that the permeate flux increases as the temperature and feed rate increase and the thickness of the air gap decreases (from 5.12 to 1.5 mm). Our AGMD system was modeled using Matlab's programming on heat and mass transfer aspects. The 1D model is based on the transfer equations and correlations of the literature present in the membrane distillation pilot. The maximum permeate flux obtained was 7.4 kg / m² h with a hot fluid temperature of 80 ° C., an air gap of 1.5 mm and hot and cold flow rates of 4.8 l / min. For all measurements, the maximum relative difference between the experimental results and the simulated results is observed at 10% errors. The results of low temperature hot fluids can be interesting in the solar energy coupling project. Keyphrases: Desalination, Solar, enrgy