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Modeling Node Layout Plans For Urban Underground Logistics Systems

EasyChair Preprint no. 1527

28 pagesDate: September 16, 2019


The surge in urban traffic demand has led to a significant increase in the number of vehicles on the ground, resulting in urban traffic congestion; a large proportion of this traffic consists of commercial cargo. The resulting costs of traffic congestion are significant, with economic and environmental impacts. Investigating how to alleviate this congestion is an important and challenging research area. There are limitations on the ground transportation network, and the development of traditional urban logistics is nearing its limit. Therefore, new transportation methods are emerging as alternatives to address this problem including urban underground logistics. This study systematically examines the node positioning problem in planning urban underground logistics systems. These systems consist of interconnected logistics and distribution centers, which have distinct capabilities and constraints. The planning problem is investigated using the principle of distribution and its influencing factors, while considering the distinct functions of the centers. The results of this analysis are captured in two novel layout planning models: one for logistics centers and a second for distribution centers. For planning a logistics center, the requirement of each demand point is considered with a set covering model. This model is analyzed using the LINGO solution, with the goal of minimizing the construction costs. For planning a distribution center, the 0-1 mixed integer programming model is constructed, and an improved Bat-inspired Algorithm is adopted and solved in MATLAB. Finally, taking the layout planning of urban underground logistics system within the central ring road of Shanghai as an example, the layout model and rationality of the algorithm are validated. The novel models provide a theoretical foundation for the further study of urban underground logistics system.

Keyphrases: Bat-inspired algorithm, improved algorithm, Logistics nodes, urban underground logistics

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Mengxiao He and Ling Sun and Wei Liu},
  title = {Modeling Node Layout Plans For Urban Underground Logistics Systems},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 1527},

  year = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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