Download PDFOpen PDF in browserMechanisms of Self-Ordering in the Synthesis of Quasi-One-Dimensional Periodic Core-Shell NanostructuresEasyChair Preprint 543333 pages•Date: April 30, 2021AbstractWe have analyzed the physical mechanisms responsible for the formation of an ordered sequence of nanoclusters synthesized on a nanowire in the diffusion mode of deposition of free atoms. The results were obtained using a kinetic Monte Carlo Model, which takes into account only the interaction between the nearest atoms of the crystal lattice. Nevertheless, this model describes the correlations between the elements of the system at distances significantly exceeding their sizes. We show that the long-range spatial correlation between the synthesized clusters is due to two factors; first, the surface diffusion in the metastable system of deposited atoms which leads to the formation of primary nuclei, and second, the shadow effect arising when growing nanoclusters become rather large. It is these processes that are the "tools" through which individual clusters suppress the development of their neighboring nuclei in the competition for survival and form high self-ordering at the final stage of synthesis. Numerical experiments were carried out for one-dimensional systems with a diamond-like lattice structure. The observed variety of morphologies of one-dimensional systems at the final stage of synthesis is in good agreement with numerous experimental data obtained during the synthesis of nanoclusters on silicon and germanium nanowires. Keyphrases: Diameter-modulated nanowire, core/shell synthesis, surface morphology