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Enhancing Food Security Through Urban Farming: Opportunities and Challenges

EasyChair Preprint no. 12426

4 pagesDate: March 10, 2024


The increasing all-encompassing urbanization danger to food freedom prompts an investigation of city farming's potential. This abstract investigates the scalability of urban horticulture methods to combat cooking shortage, poverty, and inaction. Through information and record of what happened study, key ingredients of urban farming, containing result, flow, elasticity, and food safety, are recognized. Studies in Central Uganda and Kenya underline the beneficial affect employment, pay, and food. Despite challenges, gain lies from the Global South highlight city farming's benefits, focusing on bread security and fuller city issues. The research advocates for tailor-made procedures advocating urban farming to embellish tenable incident.The increasing all-encompassing urbanization danger to food freedom prompts an investigation of city farming's potential. This abstract investigates the scalability of urban horticulture methods to combat cooking shortage, poverty, and inaction. Through information and record of what happened study, key ingredients of urban farming, containing result, flow, elasticity, and food safety, are recognized. Studies in Central Uganda and Kenya underline the beneficial affect employment, pay, and food. Despite challenges, gain lies from the Global South highlight city farming's benefits, focusing on bread security and fuller city issues. The research advocates for tailor-made procedures advocating urban farming to embellish tenable incident.

Keyphrases: food safety, Global urbanization, Household earnings, Localized provisions chains, nutrition, Resilience blueprints, Sustainable meal orders, urban agriculture, Urban preparation

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Akash Kumar and Orchid Mandal and Pranay Patil and Saurabh Chaurasia and Hemraj Shobharam Lamkuche},
  title = {Enhancing Food Security Through Urban Farming: Opportunities and Challenges},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 12426},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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