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Leisure Program in the Stimulation of Fine Motricity in Children with Intellectual Disabilities

EasyChair Preprint 3600

6 pagesDate: June 11, 2020


This research aims to provide various strategies and activities for the training process of children with intellectual disabilities within the (fine) area of the driving area. The same ones that, with the support of the various social contexts such as: educational institutions and their families should be the ones that provide the infant with motivation and a good process of activities that develop different skills, skills and abilities for a complete development. Based on this, this research is oriented to the development of a playful program within the Aulic context as at home, with the aim of involving the family in the teaching-learning of your child and at the same time with the game stimulating fine motor skills at the high school level. Thus, a work plan divided into two sections has been proposed, the first is focused on developing the construction game and the second the work at home through a playful book. This proposal is designed according to the potentialities and needs of the students, so the materials and the level of complexity of each of the activities are according to the capacities of the students, managing to build a dynamic and creative environment. At the end of this research the results obtained in the process of each activity have been satisfactory and in other cases are still in the process of acquisition, needing to reinforce the activities of arming and disarming.

Keyphrases: Discapacidad intelectual, Juego de construcción, Motricidad Fina

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Michelle Patricia Marín Procel and Klever Mauricio Segovia Astudillo},
  title     = {Leisure Program in the Stimulation of Fine Motricity in Children with Intellectual Disabilities},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 3600},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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