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Perception of Certified Organic Farmers towards Organic Farming Practices in Pudukkottai District of TamilNadu

EasyChair Preprint no. 4784

7 pagesDate: December 25, 2020


The study was conducted at Pudukottai District of Tamil Nadu. Three blocks were selected purposively and a sample of 100 certified organic farmers were selected from each of the blocks through purposive sampling. A total of 300 certified organic farmers were surveyed for the study. From the study area half (40.45 %) of the certified organic farmers had high level of perception on environmental friendly preservation practices followed by low (30.11 %) and medium (25.34 %). More than half (50.33%) of the certified organic farmers had medium level of perception on use of organic manures followed by high (41.67 %) and low (20.00 %) levels of perception on use of organic manures. Majority (70.44 %) of the certified organic farmers had medium level of perception on productivity of organic farming, followed by high (27.89 %) and low (20.67 %) level of perception on profitability of organic farming. Majority of the certified organic farmers had medium level of perception on ecologically deprivation followed by high (32.45 %) and only 20.00 per cent of the certified organic farmers fell under low level category. Hence, the extension system needs to be strengthening to provide information on implication of organic farming.

Keyphrases: Environment Preservation, Environmental deficiency, Organic compost, Profitability Perception

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {V. Kalyani and D Bharathi and A Mohamed Yasir Arafath},
  title = {Perception of Certified Organic Farmers towards Organic Farming Practices in Pudukkottai District of TamilNadu},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 4784},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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