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“Streamlining Operations: the 7 Quality Control Tools and Their Impact on Defect Reduction”

EasyChair Preprint no. 13242

6 pagesDate: May 12, 2024


The utilization of seven Quality Control (QC) methodologies for defect reduction in the manufacturing business is examined in this study report. To better understand how important quality management is to both operational effectiveness and customer satisfaction, the study investigates how manufacturing processes might use techniques like Pareto analysis, Ishikawa diagrams, and control charts. The article illustrates the usefulness of these techniques in locating, evaluating, and reducing flaws across the production cycle with the use of actual case studies. The results demonstrate a transformative influence on product quality and organizational effectiveness, with notable increases in defect reduction. The report also presents a thorough framework with fifteen main goals, including improved defect discovery, standardized procedures, and quantitative measures. A culture of continuous improvement is promoted by the purposeful use of QC tools, with the goals of continued defect reduction, cost savings, and increased customer satisfaction. This study offers insightful information and a useful road map for businesses looking to achieve operational excellence by implementing QC tools.

Keyphrases: 7 Quality Control Tools, control charts, Fishbone diagram, Histograms, Pareto analysis, Scatter Diagrams

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Vandit Buch and Jalpa Zalawadia and Prashant Singh Tomar},
  title = {“Streamlining Operations: the 7 Quality Control Tools and Their Impact on Defect Reduction”},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 13242},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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