Download PDFOpen PDF in browserStudying Propagtion of Nonstationgry Dynamical Waves in Inhomogeneous Layered MediaEasyChair Preprint 158493 pages•Date: February 20, 2025AbstractAnalytical methodology for solving boundary value problems for two-layered inhomogeneous viscoelatic semi-spaces is developed and exposure of external in influences on medium stability on the constructed mathematical models, is studied. The form of nonstationary surface phenomena corresponding to force boundary conditions is determined. It is obtained that the rate of attenuation of wave that are not attenuated in an elastic layered medium, turns out to be less than the rate of attenuation of waves in areas of non-transmission depending on viscoelastic properties of materials. Keyphrases: Lamination, Laplace operator, Viscoelastic, image, inhomogeneity, iterated kernels, original