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Web-Based Assessment of Career Planning on Relationship Between Islamic Work Values and Anticipated Work-Family Conflict

EasyChair Preprint no. 546

21 pagesDate: October 1, 2018


The dynamics of medical education continue to innovate and specialized, it requires the graduates to choose a career well. They should not only consideration of ability, but also could manage roles for responsibilities at work and family in future. Career planning in Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory includes personal value factors, which in this study are Islamic work values (IWV). Decisions on career choices can be strengthened by looking at the factors of anticipated work-family conflict (AWFC). Therefore, expert knowledge is used as a rule for web-based assessment and forecasting factors that could reduce conflict in the future. So, its application could facilitate users anywhere and see at any time describe of AWFC, IWV, and career planning. The main aim of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of career planning between the IWV and AWFC of medical students. A quantitative approach was adopted in the study. Data were collected through a web-based online survey. Population of survey was estimated to be around 245 medical students from four grades in Department of Medical Education at Universitas Abdurrab, Indonesia and 85.3 percent response rate was achieved. A simple multiple regression was used to analyze the data. Five hypotheses were supported, confirming that there is mediation by career planning, as well as by web-based forecasting the dimensions between career planning and IWV toward AWFC. The result also demonstrated that IWV has significant effects on career planning. This study underlines that important to examine problem of work and life balance among medical personnel.

Keyphrases: Anticipated Work-Familiy Conflict, career planning, Islamic Work Values, Web Assessment

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Tri Rahayuningsih and Zul Indra and Anip Febtriko and Ardian Adi Putra and Rini Anggraini},
  title = {Web-Based Assessment of Career Planning on Relationship Between Islamic Work Values and Anticipated Work-Family Conflict},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 546},

  year = {EasyChair, 2018}}
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