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Ancient Sanctuary at Kalapodi, Fthiotis, Central Greece. Presentation of Restoration Works and the Implementation of Triquetra Programme

EasyChair Preprint 14920

11 pagesDate: September 17, 2024


In Person Presentation: In central Greece, in today's Fthiotis, where in antiquity Phokis bor-dered eastern Lokris and Boeotia, there is a sanctuary that is one of the most important of ancient Phokis. As early as 2017 German Archaeological Institute had started working on a plan for the cultural heritage management and the presentation of the southern temple complex. From the autumn of 2018, the maintenance and presentation works are almost completed. The site participates as case study for TRIQUETRA program that started on 01/01/2023 and will last for 3 years. As part of the program TRIQUETRA an integrated methodological model to protect archaeological remains at Kalapodi from frost is proposed. The TRIQUETRA project (EU HE research and innovation programme under GA No. 101094818) aims at creating an evidence-based assessment platform that allows precise risk stratification, and also creates a database of available mitigation measures and strategies, acting as a Decision Support Tool towards efficient risk mitigation and site remediation.

Keyphrases: Kalapodi, Restoration works, Triquetra Programme

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Themistoklis Bilis and Angelos Sotiropoulos},
  title     = {Ancient Sanctuary at Kalapodi, Fthiotis, Central Greece. Presentation of Restoration Works and the Implementation of Triquetra Programme},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 14920},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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