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Homomorphic Encryption for Secure Cloud Computing

EasyChair Preprint no. 14009

11 pagesDate: July 17, 2024


Homomorphic encryption represents a transformative approach to secure cloud computing by enabling computations to be performed directly on encrypted data without the need for decryption. This research explores the potential of homomorphic encryption schemes to enhance the security and privacy of cloud storage and processing of sensitive information. By maintaining data encryption throughout the computational process, homomorphic encryption ensures that sensitive data remains protected from unauthorized access and breaches, even in the cloud environment. The study delves into various homomorphic encryption techniques, evaluating their performance, scalability, and practicality for real-world applications. Furthermore, it addresses challenges such as computational overhead and implementation complexity, proposing solutions to optimize and simplify the use of homomorphic encryption in cloud computing. This research underscores the importance of advancing encryption technologies to uphold data privacy in an increasingly cloud-reliant digital landscape.

Keyphrases: Cloud, computing, Homomorphic

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Kaledio Potter and Dylan Stilinki and Selorm Adablanu},
  title = {Homomorphic Encryption for Secure Cloud Computing},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 14009},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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