Download PDFOpen PDF in browserApplication of Buried Depth Detection of Submarine Cable Based on 3D Synthetic Aperture SonarEasyChair Preprint 857410 pages•Date: August 3, 2022AbstractSubmarine cable is an important part of offshore wind power farm, so the surveying and detection of submarine cable is very necessary. Firstly, the basic characteristics of submarine cables in offshore wind power farms is introduced, three methods of submarine cable detection are analysed, conventional geophysical survey method, ROV mounted sensor method and 3D synthetic aperture sonar method. The principle of three-dimensional synthetic aperture sonar, motion compensation method and data processing method are described in detail. Taking an offshore wind power farm in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province as an example, the survey method of submarine cable is introduced based on 3D synthetic aperture sonar, and some survey images are shown. The results show that the buried depth of submarine cable could be detect by 3D synthetic aperture sonar, which is an effective means of submarine cable detection during the operation of offshore wind power farm. Keyphrases: 3D Synthetic Aperture Sonar, buried depth, offshore wind power, submarine cable