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The Sculptural Achievement and Its Expressive Role in the Design of Contemporary Interior Spaces

EasyChair Preprint 15774

23 pagesDate: January 28, 2025


The sculptural achievement represents the thought expressing the designs of interior spaces, as well as being a sensory design excitement that expresses the expressive, contemplative state within the visual field, so that it constitutes a clear role in the diversity of interior design techniques based on a system linked to interior design principles related to interior space design techniques. The sculptural achievement is one of the products of advanced technologies, as it is now being employed within multiple internal spaces in various countries of the world, and here the question of the research problem arises as follows: What is the expressive role of sculptural achievement? And what is its relationship to the design of contemporary interior spaces؟ While the research aims at revealing the role that the sculptural achievement achieves from an expressive vision, what this achievement achieves in terms of studied relationships in the designs of contemporary interior spaces.  while ensuring its spatial and temporal limits for the interior spaces represented (Contemporary Interior Spaces in the Arab World by Iraqi Architect (Zaha Hadid) for the period (2005-2018) while the topic included The second is the theoretical framework for the concept of sculpture in interior design and the expressive idea in the sculpted space, while the third topic is the research procedures represented by the research methodology based on the descriptive approach in analyzing the research sample models. Regarding the recommendations and future proposals, the most important conclusions were: The study of the interior designer is related to the study of the selection of the art of sculpture in a large amount on the extent of its relationship with the implementation technique for the designs of the internal determinants through a concrete design act, taking into account the requirements of objective beauty.

Keyphrases: التعبير, الفضاء الداخلي, المعاصره, النحت

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Yasir Kareem and Fatima Zahra Aziz},
  title     = {The Sculptural Achievement and Its Expressive Role in the Design of Contemporary Interior Spaces},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15774},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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