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Determinants of House Prices in Small Cities in Northwest China

EasyChair Preprint no. 6679

9 pagesDate: September 24, 2021


In recent years, China's urbanization has brought about a new problem of population loss in small and medium-sized cities. The property prices in these cities often reflect the local residents' feeling of their surrounding urban spatial environment in a more intuitive way, meanwhile the explosive development of new technologies such as big data provides a new latitude for re-evaluating the suitability of cities and buildings for development. Taking Qingyang City as an example, this study attempts to reveal the objective pattern of the intrinsic correlation between residential property prices and some urban spatial environmental influencing factors in small and medium-sized cities in Northwest China through a multiple linear regression model method, and concludes that basic education resources and urban public green space are the two spatial environmental influencing factors affecting residential property prices more significantly. Based on this, this study propose a few suggestions for urban managers: firstly, we should tackle population loss by focusing on basic education; secondly, we should focus on the uneven distribution of education resources in the layout of public services; thirdly, we should pursue accessibility and small but precise public spaces; fourthly, small and medium-sized cities should build on their own endowments and continuously improve their Liveability, small and medium-sized cities should build on their own endowments, continuously improve their own public services and strive to create a comfortable urban living environment in order to meet the challenges of new-type urbanization.

Keyphrases: house prices, Medium and small cities, network data, new-type urbanization, North-west region, space environment

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Ruizhi Zhang and Linchuan Yang and Yang Chen},
  title = {Determinants of House Prices in Small Cities in Northwest China},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 6679},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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