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AI and Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Age: Creating a Cohesive Global System for Ethical Innovation and Societal Benefit

EasyChair Preprint 15721, version 1

Versions: 12history
9 pagesDate: January 15, 2025


This article analyzes the imperative of reevaluating and synchronizing international intellectual property (IP) frameworks considering the disruptive impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on innovation. AI-generated products increasingly contest conventional notions of authorship and inventorship, which have traditionally centered on human creators. Current inconsistencies in national and regional intellectual property regulations do not adequately address the intricacies of AI-driven innovation, leading to regulatory voids that compromise legal clarity and security for inventors and investors. Divergences in intellectual property protection legislation across countries impede international cooperation and equitable access to technology, engendering ethical and social dilemmas regarding ownership, accountability, and the economic concentration of AI-generated intellectual property. This article promotes the establishment of a universally standardized intellectual property framework that acknowledges AI-generated contributions while safeguarding human innovation. Principal proposals encompass novel classifications for AI-assisted inventions, established criteria for inventorship, and fair allocation of economic and creative benefits. The discourse highlights ethical considerations including justice, transparency, and the societal advantages resulting from AI-driven innovations. An integrated and inclusive intellectual property governance framework is crucial for facilitating equitable global growth in the AI-driven economy, while protecting the rights of current stakeholders and encouraging technological and social advancement.

Keyphrases: AI-generated Innovation, Global Standardization, Intellectual Property Governance

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Edward Koellner},
  title     = {AI and Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Age: Creating a Cohesive Global System for Ethical Innovation and Societal Benefit},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15721},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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