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A common European Student eCard

6 pagesPublished: January 13, 2025


The Berlin Campuscard Alliance was involved in the EDSSI L2 project, where a technology demonstrator for an NFC-based student eCard was presented. As many HEIs in Europe start to think about transitioning to an ecard system, but facing high hurdles in the technology required, we decided to channel our very innovative Berlin Campuscard App development into a new project with the goal of offering European HEIs a solution for this problem. Our app contains several firsts and is one of the only apps currently in Europe, which can completely emulate the NFC technology used in smartcards by HEIs. This was accomplished by creating a ground-breaking solution, which to our knowledge has not been tried anywhere else, the cloud-based secure element.
This enables a host-card emulation with integrated security, without using the local secure-element of the device, which, because of the lack of standardization, would make testing of the app very problematic. Our solution solves this by moving this component to the server side, thereby standardizing it and making testing of the devices more manageable.
This technology in conjunction with the results of the EDSSI L2 project is the basis for the creation of a common solution for a European student eCard, which will offer students the seamless user experience when travelling from one HEI to another.

Keyphrases: ecards, eu wide compatibility, system development

In: Raimund Vogl, Laurence Desnos, Jean-François Desnos, Spiros Bolis, Lazaros Merakos, Gill Ferrell, Effie Tsili and Manos Roumeliotis (editors). Proceedings of EUNIS 2024 annual congress in Athens, vol 105, pages 156-161.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Tamas Molnar},
  title     = {A common European Student eCard},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of EUNIS 2024 annual congress in Athens},
  editor    = {Raimund Vogl and Laurence Desnos and Jean-François Desnos and Spiros Bolis and Lazaros Merakos and Gill Ferrell and Effie Tsili and Manos Roumeliotis},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Computing},
  volume    = {105},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-7340},
  url       = {/publications/paper/VFdd},
  doi       = {10.29007/315v},
  pages     = {156-161},
  year      = {2025}}
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