2023 AMS Annual Conference: Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference Hilton New Orleans Riverside New Orleans, LA, United States, May 17-20, 2023 |
Conference website | http://www.ams-web.org |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2023amsannualconfere |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/2023AMSAnnualConference/ |
Abstract registration deadline | October 15, 2022 |
Submission deadline | October 15, 2022 |
47th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference
May 17 - 20, 2023
Welcome to the new normal: Life after the chaos
Change is the only constant that marketers deal with on a regular basis. However, the recent pandemic brought about change for every individual in the planet. The change was rapid and extreme that lead to chaos and tested one’s limits. This pandemonium not only brought about changes to technology, but also reshaped the thinking practices of consumers and organizations, through behavioral and cultural shifts in the market. However, this did not change the human and organizational aspirations to grow and excel.
One needs to accept the fact that there may be no going back to the normal one knew. Instead, one should feel cautiously optimistic that the situation is stabilizing. We need to understand that this is a new beginning. In order to do so, companies need to identify what they want to achieve and then look for opportunities that this new normal presents and adjust their tactics and plans to realize those objectives. Our role as academicians is to foresee some of those changes and support the current and future practicing marketers, consumers and stakeholders in both understanding and coping with the change.
For this conference, we welcome you to the new normal and ask you to embrace it, so that it leads you to a brighter future. The upcoming conference is designed to provide a suitable forum for exchange of ideas and developing and expanding marketing theory and practice. As a return to normalcy, we are planning the event to allow leading marketing thinkers to gather as the crisis subsides, thereby providing the space for the structured and free-wheeling discussions aiming the recognition of the current challenges and search of the paths to solve problems. The conference is comprised of multiple tracks focusing on particular topics, and each of them serves as a pillar supporting the overall structure of contemporary marketing built with shared knowledge and aiming towards the future with informed optimism. We invite you to submit your research papers and special session proposals using the following links
The submission system is now open (https://easychair.org/cfp/2023AMS). Paper and special session proposal submissions are due: October 15, 2022.
Program Co-Chairs
- Cleopatra Veloutsou, University of Glasgow
- Rajesh Iyer, Bradley University
The conference will be held at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel and Convention Center right on the Mississippi River in New Orleans's famous Warehouse District.
List of Tracks and Track Chairs
- Advertising and IMC - Altaf Merchant (University of Washington Tacoma, USA), Varsha Jain (MICA, India)
- AI, Big Data, and Marketing Analytics - Bowie Chen (University of Glasgow, UK), Dana Harrison (East Tennessee State University, USA)
- Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Metaverse - Jennifer Barhorst (College of Charleston, USA), Graeme McLean (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- B2B Marketing and Supply Chain Management - Rico Piehler (Macquarie University, Australia), Sheena Leek (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Brand Management - Francisco Guzman (University of North Texas, USA), Kate Pounders (University of Texas, USA)
- Consumer Behavior - Jacqueline Eastman (Florida Gulf Coast University, USA), Lou Pelton (University of North Texas, USA)
- Consumers in the Age of the Internet - Pável Reyes-Mercado (Universidad Anáhuac México, Mexico), Atefeh Yazdanparast (Clark University, USA)
- Hospitality, Tourism, Sports, and Entertainment Marketing - Dimitrios Buhalis (Bournemouth University, UK), Flavio Brambilla (Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil)
- International Marketing and Diversity - Constantinos Leonidou (Open University, Cyprus), Mark Cleveland (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
- Luxury Marketing - George Christodoulides (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates), Nina Michaelidou (Loughborough University, UK)
- Marketing Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability - Thomas Anker (University of Glasgow, UK), James A. Muncy (Bradley University, USA)
- Marketing Pedagogy and Education - Jennifer Espinosa (Rowan University, USA), Joanne Cao (University of Southern Mississippi, USA)
- Marketing Strategy - Marc Kuhn (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart, Germany), Babu John-Maridoss (Texas Tech University, USA)
- Mindfulness and Consumer Well-Being - Heejung Park (Northern Michigan University, USA), Sharad Gupta (Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK)
- Personal Selling and Sales Management - Vishag Badrinarayanan (Texas State University, USA), Mark Groza (Northern Illinois University, USA)
- Product Innovations and Product Management - Ed Bond (Bradley University, USA), Mayoor Mohan (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA), Polymeros Chrysochou (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Public Policy, Non-Profit, and Entrepreneurial Marketing - Edgar Antonio Centeno Velázquez (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico), Giuseppe Pedeliento (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- Research Methods - Marko Sarstedt (Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Germany), Christian Ringle (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
- Retailing, Omni-channel, and Pricing - Shuang Wu (Rowan University, USA), Karine Picot-Coupey (Université de Rennes 1, France)
- Services Marketing - Jochen Wirtz (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Kalliopi Chatzipanagiotou (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Social Media Marketing - Anna Morgan-Thomas (University of Glasgow, UK), Yogesh Dwivedi (Swansea University, UK), Bruno Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal)
- Special Topics: Anti-Consumption, Marketing Engineering and Beyond - Mehdi Nezami (Bradley University, USA), Maria Petrescu (International University of Monaco, Monaco), Mike S. W. Lee (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
- Doctoral Colloquium - John Ford (Old Dominion University, USA), Mathieu Kacha (University of Lorraine, France)
- Mary Kay Inc. Doctoral Dissertation - Victoria Bush (University of Mississippi), Joyce Zhou (University of Louisiana Monroe)
- Special Sessions - Cleopatra Veloutsou (University of Glasgow, UK), Rajesh Iyer (Bradley University), Nina Krey (Rowan University)
- Proceedings Editors - Juliann Allen (Nicholls State University, USA), Bruna Jochims (SKEMA Business School, France)
Submission Guidelines
AMS Conference Paper Policies
- Authors (or at least one author) of accepted papers are required to register for the Annual Conference AND to present the accepted research in the session designated in the conference program. Presenters are expected to be present for the entire session as the session chair may change the timing of individual presentations. Any research submission (competitive or special session) accepted for presentation but not presented at the conference will NOT appear nor be acknowledged in the official conference proceedings (Developments in Marketing Science) published by Springer.
- If at least one of the authors of a paper has not registered by the early bird deadline (approximately 6 weeks prior to the conference), the paper is subject to be deleted from the program. Thus, prior to submission, please consider the submission of the paper seriously and take into account any uncertainties about the author(s) NOT being able to attend.
- All conference participants should be active AMS members.
- It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or proposal to multiple tracks or to multiple conferences simultaneously, or to resubmit a previously accepted paper.
- An individual may not be an author or co-author on more than three (3) competitive papers or structured abstract submissions. Authors risk having all submissions deleted from consideration for a violation of this rule. Every submission consumes resources from AMS and its volunteers.
- An individual requiring a visa to travel to the conference should apply for his/her visa in a timely manner and carefully consider the likelihood they can attend the conference prior to registering. Cancellation fees will apply to an individual who is unable to attain his/her visa. Authors facing visa issues should carefully consider a backup plan allowing a coauthor to present should visa/immigration problems prevent attendance.
Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts and Special Session Proposals Please submit structured abstracts, competitive papers, or special session proposals electronically using the EasyChair conference management system, which can be accessed at the following website: https://easychair.org/cfp/2023AMS
Starting in 2023, the Developments in Marketing Series will publish only full papers. Thus, authors wishing to publish a full paper should submit full papers to the conference. One-page abstracts will be compiled into a separate collection of abstracts featured on the AMS website.
Full paper submissions should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages or 7,000 words, whichever is less (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, see the www.amsweb.org “help” tab for detailed formatting information) in total length, including all exhibits and references. Be sure to include the title information with each submission but do not include a title page with author identification in the submitted document file. The name of the paper, names and affiliations of each author, and complete contact information for the corresponding author(s) (address, e-mail address, phone) will be requested. Please be sure to spell all author names correctly. Misspelled names create problems in creating the program and effective communication. It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or special session proposal to multiple tracks. Manuscripts will be double blind reviewed. Only papers submitted as full papers can be published in the proceedings published by Springer. A full paper may also be published as a one-page abstract in a separate collection of abstracts.
Structured abstracts submissions should not exceed 4 single-spaced pages following the guidelines at the www.ams-web.org “help” page. A sample structured abstract is linked on the author submission guidelines at the www.ams-web.org “help” page. Structured abstracts accepted for presentation are published as a one-page abstract in the collection of abstracts featured on the AMS website.
Special session/panel proposals can be submitted through the conference management system to the special session submissions track. Proposals should contain a 50-word bio of each speaker, a one-page description of the session, and a one-page description of each presentation. If the special session contains individual presentations, each with its own unique “talk” title, then each presentation should be entered into the system separately with a unique identifier in the title tying it back to the special session. In other words, if the special session is about “Fun at AMS,” individual “talks” would have a title like: “Fun at AMS: How to Network Professionally at Receptions.” If you have any questions about the fit of your special session, please contact one of the special session co-chairs prior to uploading a proposal submission. Special session/panel proposals will be reviewed, and those rated as highest quality and most in keeping with the conference theme will be accepted for presentation. Special session/panels can only be published as one-page abstracts in the collection of abstracts. The program team welcomes all ideas for presentations, panels, or other sessions that may be of interest to the AMS Fellows. Please contact the appropriate track chairs with your ideas.
Please note that only full papers will be considered for the available BEST paper awards.
Follow this link to enter the submission system: https://easychair.org/cfp/2023AMS
AMS recognizes multiple competitive papers with Awards. A list of AMS Program Awards and processes can be found on the AMS website. Competitive paper awards include:
- Wayne Delozier Award (best conference paper)
- Jane Fenyo Award (student-authored research)
- William R. Darden Award (best marketing research paper)
- Stanley Hollander Award (best services/retailing paper)
- Mary Kay Doctoral Student Awards (best dissertation and proposal)
Note that abstract submissions are not eligible for an award (e.g., only full papers will be considered).
Additional guidelines and formatting requirements for submissions can be found following this link: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.ams-web.org/resource/resmgr/help/author/2021/author_submission_guidelines.pdf
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the Conference Co-Chairs:
Cleopatra Veloutsou - cleopatra.veloutsou@glasgow.ac.uk
Rajesh Iyer - riyer@fsmail.bradley.edu