Tags:Artificial Intelligence, Automated Technology, Chatbots, Customer Brand Engagement, Human-Machine Interaction, Service Delivery, Service Encounter, Value Co-Creation, Value Co-Destruction and Virtual Assistant
Artificial intelligence and its corresponding automated technologies such as intelligent agents, chatbots, advanced robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are radically changing the interplay between customers and organisations (Lariviere et al. 2017). As a result, the ways in which products and services are being delivered, experienced and consumed are changing rapidly (Van Doorn et al. 2017; Ostrom et al 2015).
As service functions based on automated technologies become more prevalent there is an increased likelihood that the way in which value is co-created and co-destructed is changing (Karteemo and Helkkula, 2018; Paschen et al., 2019; Van Esch et al., 2019). Vargo et al. (2017) assert that there is an imperative need to study fast, technology induced changes in service eco-systems. These technology induced changes along with their impact on customers’ experience of value co-creation and value co-destruction are the central phenomenon of this research. Specifically, the research presented in this study explores how (and if) customers’ experience value co-creation when interacting with brands’ automated technology in service based value networks. In doing so, this paper reveals a more accurate understanding of how automated technology shapes the dynamics of value co-creation and value co-destruction.
Automated Technologies: Do They Co-Create or Co-Destruct Value