Tags:Brand Image, Co-creation Practices and Service Dominant Logic
The information revolution in the last two decades, especially, has been like everyone for everyone, raising the power of the individual, making people active in value creation. Thus, within a network of other actors, it exerts power and influence through their individual knowledge and skills that they use to their benefit and to share with others. Philanthropic hospitals in Brazil currently provide 52% of all Unified Health System Care, accounting for one third of existing beds, with a network distributed in several states and municipalities. These health facilities need, in addition to providing fast, efficient and quality care, to ensure the image they reflect in the community in which they operate, since, combined with the lack of resources of these institutions, the financial crisis that most hospitals philanthropists have been facing, can damage your image. The aim of the present study was to perform an analysis on the image perception of a hospital located in the southern region of Brazil, seeking to evaluate how co-creative practices can help in promoting brand image.
Value Co-Creation as a Promotional Strategy to Build the Institutional Image to a Hospital Located in the South of Brazil (an Abstract)