Tags:Consumer Behavior, Higher Education Institutions, Marketing Education and Students
In order to be able to attract students, it is necessary to study and understand their behavior, desires and needs in view of the possibility of choosing professional training. This study aimed to analyze the needs and desires of high school graduates regarding the choice of professional training, based on the study of Consumer Behavior. As an initial investigation of the needs and desires of high school graduating students, a qualitative-exploratory study was carried out, through structured interviews with 10 senior students. After que qualitative investigation a Survey was conducted in order to investigate the needs and desires of high school students regarding their professional ambitions. To compose the sample public and private schools with the largest number of students enrolled in a city in the southern region of Brazil were contacted. Six schools agreed to participate, four public and two private. The questionnaires were applied to students within the schools themselves, with consent. The final sample consisted of 345 students, 242 from public education and 103 from private.
Consumer Behavior in Higher Education: Professional Ambitions of Students in South Brazil (an Abstract)