Author: Marco David
This page shows all presentations of this author published in EasyChair
Smart Slide.
Hilbert Meets Isabelle: Formalisation of the DPRM Theorem in Isabelle
Abhik Pal, Benedikt Stock, Marco David, Deepak Aryal, Jonas Bayer, Bogdan Ciurezu, Yiping Deng, Prabhat Devkota, Simon Dubischar, Malte Sophian Hassler, Yufei Liu and Maria Antonia Oprea
Hilbert Meets Isabelle: Formalisation of the DPRM Theorem in Isabelle
Benedikt Stock, Abhik Pal, Maria Antonia Oprea, Yufei Liu, Malte Sophian Hassler, Simon Dubischar, Prabhat Devkota, Yiping Deng, Marco David, Bogdan Ciurezu, Jonas Bayer and Deepak Aryal
Presentations in this collection: 2