This page shows all presentations of this author published in EasyChair Smart Slide.
Certified Core-Guided MaxSAT Solving
Andy Oertel, Jeremias Berg, Bart Bogaerts, Jakob Nordström and Dieter Vandesande
Nested Justification Systems
Simon Marynissen, Jesse Heyninck, Bart Bogaerts and Marc Denecker
Tree-like Justification Systems Are Consistent
Simon Marynissen and Bart Bogaerts
Certified Symmetry and Dominance Breaking for Combinatorial Optimisation
Bart Bogaerts, Stephan Gocht, Ciaran McCreesh and Jakob Nordstrom
Efficiently Explaining CSPs with Unsatisfiable Subset Optimization (Extended Abstract)
Emilio Gamba, Bart Bogaerts and Tias Guns