This page shows all presentations of this author published in EasyChair Smart Slide.
UCLID5: Multi-Modal Formal Modeling, Verification, and Synthesis
Elizabeth Polgreen, Kevin Cheang, Pranav Gaddamadugu, Adwait Godbole, Kevin Laeufer, Shaokai Lin, Yatin A. Manerkar, Federico Mora and Sanjit A. Seshia
ILA-MCM: Integrating Memory Consistency Models with Instruction-Level Abstraction for Heterogeneous System-on-Chip Verification
Hongce Zhang, Caroline Trippel, Yatin Manerkar, Aarti Gupta, Margaret Martonosi and Sharad Malik
RTLCheck: Automatically Verifying the Memory Consistency of Processor RTL
Yatin Manerkar, Daniel Lustig, Margaret Martonosi and Michael Pellauer