This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abstractions for execution paths | |
Active learning | |
Active objects | |
Actor model | |
alternating refinement | |
API fuzzing | |
Approximate Computing | |
Assurance Cases | |
asynchronous methods | |
Attack-defense Trees | |
automation | |
autonomous robotic systems | |
B | |
B method | |
Bayesian Inference | |
Behavioural model | |
Bisimulation Metrics | |
Boolean satisfiability | |
C | |
CENELEC 50128 | |
Certification of Safety-Critical Systems | |
code generation | |
completeness | |
Component models | |
compositionality | |
computation tree logic | |
concurrency | |
Concurrency verification | |
concurrent objects | |
concurrent programming | |
Configurable Systems | |
Conformance testing | |
Constraint Programming | |
cooperative scheduling | |
Core calculus | |
Creol | |
D | |
Dafny | |
Data dependence | |
Dataflow | |
Decidability | |
Deductive verification | |
Delta-oriented programming | |
Deployment | |
Description Logics | |
distributed | |
Distributed software commissioning | |
Distributed Systems | |
dynamic class upgrades | |
dynamic software updates | |
dynamical systems | |
Dynamicity | |
E | |
Efficiency | |
embedded systems | |
experimental evaluation | |
F | |
Featured transition system | |
Floating-point | |
Formal Document Development | |
formal methods | |
Formal Methods in Interdisciplinary Settings | |
Formal modeling and specification | |
Formal specification | |
formal specification and verification | |
Formal verification | |
Formalization and proof of properties | |
futures | |
G | |
GALS system | |
graph-based | |
Graphical Security Models | |
H | |
high-level | |
I | |
incremental SAT | |
Industrial case study | |
Input/Output Automaton | |
Integrated Formal Methods | |
interaction mechanisms | |
interface automata | |
ioco | |
Isabelle/DOF | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
J | |
JavaScript | |
L | |
Liveness | |
M | |
Mealy machines | |
Message passing | |
Modal transition system | |
Model checking | |
Model of Computation | |
Model validation | |
Model-based software testing | |
Model-based Testing | |
modular SOS | |
multi-GPU computing | |
N | |
numerical optimization | |
O | |
object-orientation | |
Operational semantics | |
optimisation | |
P | |
Parallel SAT Preprocessing | |
parameter synthesis | |
Path coverage visualization | |
Petri nets | |
Probabilistic Analysis | |
Probabilistic Model Checking | |
Probabilistic systems | |
Probabilistic Timed Automata | |
Process algebra | |
program slicing | |
program synthesis | |
Program verification | |
Proteus | |
Q | |
Quantitative Analysis | |
Quantitative Security | |
R | |
railway signalling | |
Reactive system | |
Real-time | |
S | |
Safety | |
Safety-critical systems | |
SAT Decomposition | |
Saturation-based Theorem Prover | |
schematic drawing | |
semi-algebraic sets | |
semi-automatic formal verification | |
Separation logic | |
Service-based Systems | |
session types | |
sharing | |
SMT | |
SMT solvers | |
Software evolution | |
Software product line analysis | |
Software reuse | |
software verification | |
Statechart | |
Static analysis | |
Statistical Model Checking | |
Synchronous programming | |
systems | |
T | |
template-based | |
Theorem Proving | |
Tools for Formal Methods | |
type safety | |
U | |
uioco | |
Uncertainty Quantification | |
Unifying Theories of Programming | |
uniqueness types | |
V | |
Vampire | |
Variability | |
Visualization |