This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
ABMS | |
Ad-Hoc file system | |
Adaptive routing | |
ADIOS2 | |
Agent Based Modeling and Simulations | |
AI | |
AI-generated code | |
All Reduce | |
anomaly detection | |
application mapping | |
Application scheduling | |
applications | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Astroplasma | |
Asynchronous circuit | |
Asynchronous Many-Task | |
Asynchronous Many-Task Runtime System | |
Auto-Tuning | |
Automatic parallelization | |
autonomous agent | |
B | |
Bagging | |
Batch scheduling resource allocation | |
Batched matrix multiplication | |
Bechmarking | |
benchmark | |
big data | |
Blockchain | |
Buffer occupancy | |
Byzantine | |
C | |
CAPIO Middleware | |
CGRA | |
Chapel | |
ChatGPT | |
Clinical Decision Support Systems | |
cloud | |
Cloud Computing | |
Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum | |
Cloud-to-Edge continuum | |
ClusterLink | |
CNN | |
CNOT gate | |
Code Generation and Optimizations | |
Collective Communication | |
Collective communication primitives | |
Collectives | |
communication | |
Community detection | |
compilation process | |
Compilers | |
Computation | |
Computational | |
Computational Fluid Dynamics | |
Computational Genomics | |
compute continuum | |
Computing continuum | |
Computing Sphere | |
Concurrency | |
Concurrent Data Structures | |
Concurrent Maps | |
Consensus protocol | |
Containerization | |
continuum | |
continuum management | |
Control mechanisms | |
Cost Model | |
COTS | |
CPU allocation techniques | |
Craftsman | |
Cray Apprentice2 | |
CrayPat | |
critical infrastructure | |
Cryptography | |
CUDA | |
D | |
DAGonStar | |
Darshan | |
Data Analytics | |
Data distribution | |
Data observatory | |
Data Parallelism | |
Data stores | |
Data Stream Processing | |
Data Structures | |
Data-driven decision-making | |
decentralized | |
declarative programming | |
Deep Learning | |
Deep learning compiler | |
deterministic latency | |
Disk failure prediction | |
Distributed Computing | |
Distributed learning | |
Distributed Satellite Systems | |
Distributed Storage | |
distributed system | |
Distributed Systems | |
DMR | |
DNN inference | |
DOE | |
Dragonfly topology | |
DTW | |
Dynamic | |
Dynamic Deployment | |
Dynamic graphs | |
Dynamic pipelines | |
Dynamic Resource Management | |
dynamic resource manager | |
Dynamic Resources | |
Dynamic Scheduling | |
E | |
e-science | |
earth observation services | |
edge | |
Edge Computer | |
Edge Computing | |
Edge intelligence | |
Edge-fog-cloud | |
Efficient Data Processing | |
Elastic Workflows | |
Energy Consumption Prediction | |
Energy Efficiency | |
Ensemble Techniques | |
environmental indexes | |
eScience | |
Evolutionary optimization | |
Evolving Programs | |
exascale | |
Expand Ad-Hoc | |
F | |
fault tolerance | |
Federated GNN | |
Federated Learning | |
FFT | |
Fine-tuning | |
FL_Weight | |
Flowshop Problem | |
Fluid dynamics | |
formal semantics | |
FPGA | |
FSPX | |
Futures | |
G | |
Global Data | |
Gloo | |
gprof | |
GPU | |
GPU computing | |
GPU-aware Heterogeneity | |
GPU-native Support | |
Graph convolutional network | |
Graph neural network inference | |
Graph Neural Networks | |
Graph Partitioning | |
Grid computing resource management | |
H | |
Hardware Accelerators | |
Heterogeneous | |
Heterogeneous Acceleration Cluster | |
Heterogeneous architecture | |
heterogeneous architectures | |
heterogeneous computing | |
Heterogeneous Programming | |
Heterogeneous safety-critical embedded systems | |
Heterogeneous System | |
Hierarchical Architecture | |
High Performance Computing | |
high-energy-density | |
High-Level Synthesis | |
High-Performance Computing | |
HIP/ROCm | |
HPC | |
HPC interconnection networks | |
HPX | |
HSI | |
Hybrid Parallelism | |
hybrid workflows | |
I | |
I/O | |
iFogSim simulator | |
Imaging | |
Imbalance | |
IMRT | |
In-Situ Analysis | |
Industry 4.0 | |
Inference | |
inter-cluster | |
Inter-Satellite Links | |
Interconnection networks | |
Internet of Things | |
IoT | |
IoT-edge-cloud continuum (IECC) | |
IPM | |
Isolation | |
J | |
JIT Compilation | |
K | |
Kernel-based benchmarking | |
kinetic plasma physics | |
Kubernetes | |
L | |
Large Language Models | |
Large-Scale PIC Simulations | |
laser | |
Lifelong Learning | |
Linearizability | |
List scheduling | |
LLM | |
Load-Balancing | |
Local/Neighborhood-based | |
Lock-Freedom | |
Long Reads Correction | |
loop optimization | |
loop pipelining | |
Low-power Domain Architecture | |
LSTM | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine learning dashboard | |
MAGIC NOR gate | |
Malleability | |
Massive data processing | |
massively-parallel | |
Matrix Multiplication | |
Maximum | |
medical device security | |
Medical Image | |
Medical images | |
Medical Physics | |
Memory Optimization | |
Memory-mapped IO | |
Memristor array | |
Mental health | |
metaOS | |
Microservices applications | |
mixed-precision computing | |
MLIR | |
Model deployment | |
Model parallelism | |
Modeling | |
Modulo Scheduling | |
MPI | |
Mulit Core | |
Multi Agent Systems | |
Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms | |
multi-cluster | |
Multicore | |
N | |
network configuration | |
Neural architecture search | |
Non-linear classification | |
non-spatial ABMS | |
Nuclear Physics | |
numerical linear algebra | |
numerical simulation | |
Numerical Weather Prediction | |
O | |
OBDH | |
ONNX Runtime | |
Open-Source | |
OpenCL | |
OpenMP | |
openPMD | |
Optimization research | |
orchestration | |
out–of–equilibrium phenomena | |
P | |
pair production | |
Parallel algorithm | |
Parallel algorithms | |
Parallel and Distributed computation | |
Parallel Branch-and-Bound | |
Parallel Computing | |
Parallel CSR read | |
Parallel Edgelist read | |
Parallel file system | |
Parallel I/O | |
Parallel Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) | |
Parallel Link prediction | |
Parallel patterns | |
Parallel-Programming | |
Parallelism | |
Parallelism and Concurrency | |
Parameterized Quantum Circuit | |
Parsl | |
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) | |
particle-in-cell | |
Performance | |
Performance Engineering | |
Performance evaluation | |
Performance Monitoring and Analysis | |
Performance Optimization | |
Performance Portability | |
Pervasive Computing | |
pipelining | |
platform | |
PMIx | |
Polyhedral model | |
polyhedral techniques | |
Portability | |
Practical use-case | |
Predictive Accuracy | |
Prime factorization | |
Programmable Logic | |
Programming language | |
programming model | |
Python library | |
PyTorch | |
Q | |
Quantum Annealing | |
Quantum circuits | |
Quantum computing | |
Quantum gates | |
quantum languages | |
Quantum Machine Learning | |
Quantum-Classical computing | |
qubit allocation | |
R | |
Radiation Detectors | |
radiation reaction | |
Radiotherapy | |
Real-world | |
Recursive Doubling | |
Reinforcement learning | |
Resource allocation | |
Resource Autoscaling | |
Resource Elasticity | |
Resource Heterogeneity | |
Resource Management | |
Resource Mapping | |
Resource Overcommitment | |
Resource Usage Forecasting | |
RSA | |
runtime security | |
RVV-1.0 | |
S | |
Safe Memory Reclamation | |
SAT | |
Scalability | |
Scalable HW/SW | |
Scheduling | |
Scientific | |
Scientific Workflows | |
Scientific workloads | |
Secret-sharing | |
Secure edge computing | |
Security | |
Serverless | |
serverless computing | |
service level guarantees | |
service level objective (SLO) | |
Shared Cache | |
Side Effects | |
SIMD | |
Simulations | |
SIP Solver | |
Slurm | |
Small computing devices | |
Social networks | |
Software | |
Software Engineering | |
Software Stacks | |
space plasma physics | |
Spanning trees | |
Sparse Computation | |
Sparse Tensor Compiler | |
Sparse Tensors | |
StarPU | |
Stateful Functions | |
Streaming I/O | |
Suicide attempts | |
SWAP-Test | |
swarm | |
Swarm Intelligence | |
SYCL | |
T | |
TALP | |
Task Graphs | |
Task offloading | |
Task scheduling | |
Tensor compiler | |
tensor cores | |
Tensorized Program Tuning | |
thread synchronization | |
Throughput / Latency | |
Tools | |
Top-Down Microarchitecture Analysis | |
Trade Embracing | |
Transformer | |
TVM | |
U | |
U-Net | |
Uintah | |
V | |
Variational Quantum Algorithms | |
Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) | |
Virtualization | |
VQE | |
vulnerability assessment | |
W | |
WCET Analysis | |
WindFlow | |
Workflow Management Systems (WMS) | |
Workflows | |
X | |
XuanTie | |
Y | |
Yambo |