This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D technologies | |
A | |
AAKR | |
Acoustic Emission | |
ACSR | |
Active Heave Compensation | |
Adaptive Canonical Variate Analysis | |
Advanced Maintenance strategies | |
aeolian vibrations | |
ageing | |
Aging Management | |
Aging model | |
AIO | |
aircraft | |
Ambidexterity | |
Ambidextrous organizations | |
Arctic | |
Artificial Neural Network | |
asset classification | |
asset criticality | |
Asset Descision Making | |
asset economics | |
Asset Health Management | |
Asset Information Requirements | |
asset interaction | |
asset lifecycle | |
Asset Maintenance | |
Asset management | |
Asset Management (AM) | |
Asset Management 4.0 | |
Asset management Guideline | |
Asset Management Planning | |
Asset Management strategy | |
Asset Managers | |
Asset Portfolio Optimisation | |
asset reasoning | |
Asset replacement decisions | |
Asset service | |
assets | |
Audit trail | |
Augmented reality | |
Auto-Associative Models | |
Autonomy | |
Availability | |
B | |
Bearing Wear | |
Bearings | |
Bechmarking | |
bench drilling | |
Big data | |
Blockchain | |
bridge | |
Building Information Modelling | |
Buildings | |
Business eco-systems | |
business ecosystem | |
business impact analysis | |
business model | |
C | |
Canonical Variate Analysis | |
Capability | |
Capital budgeting techniques | |
Capital investment decisions | |
CBA | |
circular economy | |
Climate Change Adaption | |
Cloud computing | |
CNG carriers | |
collaboration | |
Common Goods | |
complex systems | |
Compressed natural gas (CNG) | |
Condition assessment | |
Condition Based Maintenance | |
Condition Monitoring | |
Configuration | |
consequences of innovation | |
Context Management | |
cooperation | |
Cooperation* | |
Coordination* | |
Corporate Governance | |
Corrosion | |
Cost Analysis | |
Cost estimation | |
Cost management | |
Cost-benefit analysis | |
Critical | |
Cyber-physical systems | |
Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS) | |
D | |
dangerous detected failures | |
data visualization and analysis | |
Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom hierarchy | |
Data-Informed Decisions | |
DBMS | |
de-trended fluctuation analysis | |
Decision | |
Decision analysis | |
decision making | |
decision support | |
Decision Under Uncertainty | |
Decision-Focused Data | |
decision-making | |
Deep Learning | |
Defence | |
Defense Industry | |
Demand Forecasting | |
design science | |
diagnostics | |
Digital Economy | |
Digital Instrumentation and Control | |
Digital twin | |
digitalization | |
Digitised and Automated Data collection | |
Digitization and Culture change | |
discrete event simulation (DES) | |
Distributed Ledger | |
Drive Train | |
Drone | |
Drones | |
Dynamic criticality | |
dynamic interactions | |
Dynamic maintenance offerings | |
Dynamic modeling and visualisation | |
E | |
E-maintenance | |
early failure detection | |
Ecosystem | |
Ecosystem Services | |
Education | |
educational levels | |
electrical utility | |
Emergency response | |
emergency shutdown system | |
End-of-life criteria | |
Energy Assets | |
Energy forecasting | |
Energy Load | |
Energy recovery | |
energy sector | |
Energy transition | |
Engineering | |
engineering education | |
entrepreneurial orientation | |
Environmental Goods | |
environmental uncertainity | |
Equipment Life-cycle Management | |
ergonomics | |
evaluation | |
Evolutionary Ensemble Learning | |
Exercises* | |
Expected monetary value | |
exploitation strategy | |
exploration strategy | |
exponential moving average | |
F | |
failure effect | |
Failure history | |
failure impact | |
Fatigue cracking | |
Fault analysis | |
Fault Detection | |
Fault Detection and Diagnostics | |
Fault Diagnosis | |
Fiber ropes | |
Finnish and Swedish education systems | |
Fire fighters | |
Fire smoke toxicity | |
Fleet | |
Fleet availability | |
Fleet Life Cycle Management | |
forecasting | |
framework | |
Fretting Fatigue | |
G | |
Gas-liquid ratio | |
Gears | |
general education | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
green innovation | |
H | |
Health index | |
Health Safety Environment Quality (HSEQ) | |
Health Services Assets | |
Healthcare sector | |
High capacity transport | |
High North | |
Historical Data | |
Holistic Perspective | |
Household Power Consumption | |
HSEQ performance | |
HSEQ Training Park | |
human factors | |
hybrid modeling | |
Hydro-Power Generation | |
Hydroelectric turbine | |
Hydroelectric Turbines | |
I | |
ICT industry | |
impact of protections | |
improvement suggestion | |
Industrial Asset Management | |
Industrial automation | |
industrial water | |
Industry 4.0 | |
Infrastructure | |
infrastructure asset management | |
Infrastructure Value Index | |
Innovation | |
innovation capability | |
innovation capacity | |
innovation competence | |
innovation intermediary | |
Instantaneous Frequency | |
Institutionalized investment complexities | |
Integrated Management System (IMS) | |
Integrity | |
Intellectual Capital | |
Intelligent Asset Management | |
Intelligent Maintenance | |
Intermodal transportation | |
International | |
Internet of Things | |
Investment | |
Investment Decision | |
investment decision analysis | |
IPFS | |
ISO 55000 | |
K | |
kernel regression | |
Key Performance Indicators | |
Knowledge Economy | |
Knowledge Management | |
L | |
Late life | |
Layout optimization | |
Leakage reduction | |
lean | |
Learning* | |
Life consumption | |
life cycle | |
Life Cycle Cost | |
Life cycle costing | |
life cycle data management | |
Life-cycle data | |
Life-cycle management | |
Lifecycle decision-making | |
Lifetime | |
Lifetime Extension | |
Light Water Reactors | |
literature review | |
load at risk | |
Long term operation | |
Long Term Operations | |
Long term planning | |
low demand system | |
Low Enthalpy Geothermal asset | |
Lubricant | |
M | |
machine learning | |
machine Learning techniques | |
maintenance | |
Maintenance business models | |
maintenance data | |
Maintenance design | |
Maintenance planning | |
Maintenance scheduling | |
Maintenance standards | |
Maintenance training in higher education | |
Management | |
manufacturing | |
Material | |
Mathematical model | |
Maturity model | |
Measurement | |
Mechanical and Industrial engineering programs | |
Meta-synthesis | |
Modeling methodology | |
modelling | |
Modular maintenance offerings | |
modularisation | |
Monte Carlo simulation | |
Monte-Carlo Simulation | |
MTTF | |
multidisciplinary | |
Multiple Management System | |
N | |
Naval | |
Naval Enterprise | |
Navy | |
Net Present Value | |
Network of suppliers | |
network vision of assets | |
Neural Network | |
Norwegian industry | |
Norwegian Tunnel Safety Cluster | |
NoSQL databases | |
Nuclear | |
O | |
Obsolescence | |
occupational health and safety | |
Occupational safety and health | |
Offshore | |
offshore operations | |
Oil & gas platform | |
Oil and gas | |
Oil and Gas industry | |
open innovation | |
open pit mining | |
Operational Experiences | |
OPEX | |
Optimisation | |
Optimization | |
Optimum asset life | |
Oreda | |
Organization | |
Organizational Change | |
overhead lines | |
P | |
Pakistan | |
Panama Canal | |
Participatory Development | |
People's roles in production | |
Performance Estimation | |
performance measurement | |
Policy | |
power industry | |
predictive | |
Predictive analytics | |
Predictive maintenance | |
Predictive technologies | |
preliminary stages of WEC | |
Pressure management | |
Preventive replacement | |
probability of failure on demand | |
Process Monitoring | |
product lifecycle | |
Product Service system | |
product-service system | |
Product-Service systems | |
Production assurance | |
Prognostic and Health Management | |
prognostics | |
public assets | |
Public Decision-Making | |
Public infrastructure | |
Public Procurement | |
Q | |
Qualitative research | |
Quantitative research | |
R | |
Radial-Base-Function | |
Rail rolling stock | |
RCM | |
relational databases | |
Reliability | |
Reliability and maintenance data | |
Reliability estimation | |
Reliability management | |
Reliability of safety systems | |
remaining useful life | |
Remote Monitoring Services | |
Renewable energy | |
Renewal function | |
Replacement planning | |
Resilience | |
Responsible Innovation | |
Responsible Research and Innovation | |
Return on investment | |
Risk | |
Risk analyses | |
Risk analysis | |
risk and reliability | |
Risk Assesment | |
risk for continuity of supply | |
Risk indicator | |
Risk management | |
Risk profiling | |
RNNP report | |
Robotic Inspection | |
Robotics | |
Robots | |
Robust optimization | |
rolling bearings | |
rolling element bearing | |
Rotating Machinery | |
Rotation speed variation | |
Rotational velocity estimation | |
S | |
safety | |
scarceness of data | |
science and technology park | |
Security | |
Sensor and Multi-sensor | |
Sensor calibration | |
Sensors | |
Sensors monitoring | |
serious games | |
service delivery | |
Service development | |
Service Innovation | |
servitization | |
shared workplace | |
shock absorber | |
Signal validation | |
Simulation | |
simulation games | |
simulation-based optimization | |
Skills and competencies | |
Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) | |
Smart Contract | |
smart grid | |
Smart management system | |
Smart Meters | |
Smart sensor | |
Social housing assets | |
Socio-Economic Valuation | |
Soft sensing | |
Spare part consumption data | |
Stakeholder | |
Standard cost coding | |
Standardization | |
State Space Model | |
Strategy | |
student | |
study module | |
submarine | |
Submarines | |
Success | |
Supervision | |
supplier audit | |
supplier management | |
supply chain finance | |
support vector regression | |
Survivability | |
Sustainable manufacturing | |
Sustainable Urban Drainage System | |
Sustainment | |
Systematic failures | |
Systemic failures | |
systems dependability | |
T | |
Tachometer | |
Tapered Rolling Element Bearings | |
technology | |
technology valuation | |
Temperature | |
Tenability limits | |
Tenant behavior | |
Thermal camera | |
thermal performance | |
Topology | |
Total cost of ownership | |
Traffic model | |
Training | |
Training methods | |
Training technology | |
transmission system operator | |
Truck driver | |
TSO | |
Tunnel Fire Safety design | |
Tunnel safety | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncertainty quantification | |
user interface | |
Utilities | |
V | |
value | |
value capture | |
value creation | |
value creation mechanism | |
value delivery | |
variational mode decomposition | |
Vibration | |
VSM | |
W | |
warship | |
Warships | |
water desalination demand | |
Water infrastructure investments | |
water resource management | |
Weibull analysis | |
Weibull distribution | |
What-if Scenario | |
Wind energy | |
Wind farm | |
wind turbine gearboxes | |
working capital management | |
working life | |
workplace inspection |