Knowledge Intensive Automated Reasoning
Workshop at IJCAR 2014
Unfortunately the workshop has been canceled!
17 July 2014 · Vienna, Austria
Also available as PDF.
Important Dates
submission deadline: | 28 April 2014 |
reviewing deadline: | 10 May 2014 |
notification to authors: | 12 May 2014 |
camera-ready versions: | 26 May 2014 |
KInAR workshop: | 17 July 2014 |
Aims and Scope
Automated reasoning (AR) systems have been advancing in their capabilities, allowing them to operate on increasingly larger and more complex theories. At the same time extensive digital sources of knowledge are becoming available, ranging from formal ontologies over databases and dictionaries to natural language references. Online sources like Wikipedia, mathematical libraries like Mizar, IMDb and various search engines and web services have gained widespread acceptance among the general population, but the sheer quantity of data can be an obstacle for human users. To make such knowledge more accessible there is a growing interest to employ the deductive power of AR systems. Not only does this provide challenges to researchers in the field of automated deduction, but it is also a chance to bring the results into the public, and to see a large-scale practical usage of AR.
In this workshop we aim to compile different approaches to the problems inherent in dealing with large knowledge sources automatically, and to further the connections between researchers working on such projects.
Paper Submissions
We are interested in submissions regarding the following topics, or any other topics pertaining to knowledge intensive automated reasoning:
- theoretical foundations: calculi optimized for knowledge intensive reasoning,
- knowledge corpora and their management,
- projects and methods aimed at extracting AR-friendly (semi-)formal knowledge from large informal corpora,
- system descriptions of actual applications pertaining to the workshop topic,
- how to benchmark such systems,
- robustness: reasoning despite flaws in digital knowledge,
- combining knowledge from different sources.
KInAR accepts submissions via EasyChair. Submissions may have up to 15 pages in the EasyChair LaTeX style.
The submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. The selected submissions will be published as part of the FLoC workshop proceedings.
Note that at least one author of each accepted submission is expected to register for KInAR and present their work.
Program Committee
- Peter Baumgartner, NICTA
- Vinay K Chaudhri, SRI International
- Ulrich Furbach, Universität Koblenz-Landau
- Michael Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen
- Björn Pelzer, Universität Koblenz-Landau
- Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
- Josef Urban, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen