CL&C Call for Papers

CL&C'14 – Fifth International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation
July 13, 2014 · Vienna, Austria


Also available as PDF.

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract (extended!) April 12, 2014
Deadline for submission (extended!)   April 16, 2014
Notification of acceptance June 6, 2014
Final version due June 25, 2014

Aims and Scope

This workshop aims to support a fruitful exchange of ideas between
the various lines of research on Classical Logic and Computation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- versions of lambda calculi adapted to represent classical logic;
- design of programming languages inspired by classical logic;
- cut-elimination for classical systems;
- proof representation for classical logic;
- translations of classical to intuitionistic proofs;
- constructive interpretation of non-constructive principles;
- witness extraction from classical proofs;
- constructive semantics for classical logic (e.g. game semantics);
- case studies (for any of the previous points).

Paper Submissions

We have room for informal talks, too. Therefore participants are
encouraged to present both: work in progress, overviews of more
extensive work, and programmatic / position papers, and completed

All submitted papers will be reviewed to normal standards. The PC
recognises two kinds of papers: it will distinguish between accepted
(full) papers that contain unpublished results not submitted
elsewhere, to be published on EPTCS, and presentations of (short)
papers about work in progress.

The accepted papers will be publised in the open access electronic
journal EPTCS.

In order to make a submission:
- Format your file using the EPTCS (http://style.eptcs.org/)
  guidelines; there is a 15 page limit.
- Use the submission instructions at


Program Committee