ADDCT Call for Papers
ADDCT 2014 – Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability
July 18, 2014 · Vienna, Austria
Also available as PDF.
Important Dates
TBA soon
Deadline 1 | January 11, 2014 |
Deadline 2 | January 12, 2014 |
Deadline 3 | January 13, 2014 |
Deadline 4 | January 14, 2014 |
Aims and Scope
Topics of interest for ADDCT include (but are not restricted to):
- Decidability: decision procedures based on logical calculi such as: resolution, rewriting, tableaux, sequent calculi, or natural deduction; decidability in combinations of logical theories
- Complexity: complexity analysis for fragments of first- (or higher) order logic or for combinations of logical theories
- Tractability (in logic, automated reasoning, algebra, ...)
- Application domains for which complexity issues are essential (verification, security, databases, ontologies, ...)
The goal of ADDCT is to bring together researchers interested in exploring the topics above, both at a theoretical level and motivated by applications.
Paper Submissions
We plan to accept three types of papers:
- Original papers (up to 15 pages, LNCS style, including bibliography); should describe original research and contain sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. Simultaneous submission of material is prohibited.
- Work in progress (up to 6 pages, LNCS style, without bibliography).
- Presentation-only papers (please submit an abstract of up to 3 pages, LNCS style + a link to the already published paper): may describe work previously published. The abstracts of accepted presentation-only papers will appear in the informal proceedings to be distributed at the workshop (full papers in this category will not be inserted in the proceedings).
We are allowing the submission of previously published work in order to allow researchers to communicate good ideas that the attendees may not be aware of.
Given the informal style of the workshop, the submission of papers presenting student's work and work in progress is encouraged.
Program Committee
- Carlos Areces (FaMAF - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
- Franz Baader (TU Dresden)
- Peter Baumgartner (NICTA)
- Maria Paola Bonacina (Università degli Studi di Verona)
- Christian Fermüller (TU Wien)
- Silvio Ghilardi (Università degli Studi di Milano) - chair
- Rajeev Gore (The Australian National University)
- Matthias Horbach (MPII Saarbrücken and University Koblenz-Landau)
- Ullrich Hustadt (The University of Liverpool)
- Felix Klaedtke (NEC Europe Ltd.)
- Carsten Lutz (Universität Bremen)
- Christopher Lynch (Clarkson University)
- Silvio Ranise (FBK-Irst)
- Ulrike Sattler (The University of Manchester) - chair
- Renate A. Schmidt (The University of Manchester)
- Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (University Koblenz-Landau and MPII Saarbrücken) - chair
- Ashish Tiwari (SRI International)
- Luca Viganò (King's College London)