This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstraction theorem | |
Agda | |
Algebraic topology | |
almost full relations | |
alpha-normalisation | |
Apartness | |
As-patterns | |
axiomatic type theory | |
B | |
B-system | |
BFT | |
blockchain | |
C | |
C-system | |
canonical form | |
Case trees | |
categorical semantics | |
categories with families | |
category theory | |
category with families | |
Church Thesis | |
Classical Predicate Logic | |
Cocon | |
coherence | |
Cohomology Operations | |
coinduction | |
coinductive proof search | |
Comodules | |
completions | |
comprehension categories | |
comprehension category | |
Computability theory | |
consensus | |
Constructive Mathematics | |
constructive reverse mathematics | |
Constructive type theory | |
constructive well quasi ordering | |
Constructivity questions | |
Containers | |
continuity | |
Coq | |
Cubical Agda | |
cubical sets | |
Cubical Type Theory | |
D | |
dependent choice | |
Dependent type theory | |
Dependent types | |
directed homotopy type theory | |
directed type theory | |
directed univalence | |
Discrete probability theory | |
display map | |
doctrines | |
double categories | |
drinker paradox | |
E | |
eBPF | |
Effects | |
Effectus theory | |
Elaboration | |
Elimination | |
Equality | |
Equational theory | |
equivalence | |
Ethereum | |
Explicit Mathmematics | |
exponentiation | |
extended-predicative | |
Extensionality | |
extrinsic syntax | |
F | |
fibration | |
fibrations | |
focusing | |
Formalisation of mathematics | |
formalization | |
formalization of mathematics | |
Free algebraic structures | |
functional programming | |
G | |
Groupoids | |
Guard condition | |
Guarded recursion | |
H | |
Hacspec | |
higher topos theory | |
Hoare logic | |
homotopy | |
Homotopy theory | |
homotopy type theory | |
HoTT | |
I | |
identity types | |
imax algebra | |
Implementation of Type Theory | |
impredicativity | |
Inductive data types | |
Inductive families | |
Inductive-coinductive types | |
Inductive-recursive definitions | |
inhabitation | |
Intensional type theory | |
internal parametricity | |
intersection types | |
intrinsic syntax | |
Inverse computing | |
invited talk | |
L | |
lambda calculus | |
Limited Principle of Omniscience | |
Logic | |
Logical Foundations | |
Logical framework | |
logical relation | |
Löwenheim-Skolem theorem | |
M | |
Mahlo cardinal | |
Mahlo Universe | |
Mahlo universes | |
Martin-Löf type theory | |
material set theory | |
Mathematical Components | |
meaning explanations | |
mechanization | |
Meta programming | |
MLTT | |
Modal type theory | |
Modalities | |
model | |
monad transformers | |
Monads | |
morphisms | |
multimodal type theory | |
N | |
Natural Deduction | |
natural language | |
Normalisation by Evaluation | |
Normalization | |
O | |
objective type theory | |
Observational Equality | |
Observational type theory | |
Open Vote Network | |
ordinals | |
P | |
parametric polymorphism | |
Partial combinatory algebras | |
partial equivalence relations | |
path category | |
Pattern-matching | |
Peter Aczel | |
polarization | |
polymorphism | |
Postcondition | |
Precondition | |
predicativity | |
Probabilistic computing | |
Probabilistic logic | |
probability theory | |
Proof as terms | |
Proof assistant | |
proof automation | |
Proof-irrelevant propositional equality | |
Propositional extensionality | |
propositional type theory | |
Prototype implementation | |
Provable correctness | |
Q | |
quantitative models | |
Quantitative type theory | |
quote | |
quotient containers | |
R | |
realizability | |
Recursion | |
relational parametricity | |
Representations | |
Rewriting | |
Rezk completions | |
Rezk types | |
S | |
Schemes | |
Second-Order Functionals | |
Security | |
Segal types | |
Semantics of type theory | |
sequent calculus | |
Set Theory | |
sheaf models | |
Simplicial sets | |
simplicial type theory | |
single substitution | |
sized types | |
Small inversion | |
Smart Contract | |
Smart contracts | |
special session | |
staged compilation | |
Static analysis | |
Steenrod Algebras | |
stream fusion | |
Sub-formula property | |
symmetric containers | |
Synethetic Homotopy Theory | |
synthetic algebraic geometry | |
Synthetic computability | |
synthetic infinity-categories | |
synthetic quasicoherence | |
System F | |
System T | |
T | |
TBA | |
Teaching theoretical CS | |
temporal logic | |
Test Generation | |
Theorem prover | |
tripos-to-topos construction | |
Type system | |
Type Theory | |
type-based termination | |
Typed Assembly Language | |
U | |
Univalence | |
Univalent (2-)category theory | |
univalent categories | |
univalent foundations | |
universe levels | |
universe operators | |
universe types | |
useful evaluation | |
V | |
Verification | |
W | |
weak type theory | |
Weakest precondition | |
Well-founded fixpoints | |
Y | |
Yoneda Lemma |