TYPES 2024: TYPES 2024
Aud 0

Auditorium 0, located on the ground floor.


  • Session 1 (Jun 10 08:55-09:00) Welcome
  • Session 2 (Jun 10 09:00-10:00) Invited Talk
  • Session 3 (Jun 10 10:00-10:40) Polarized Logic
  • Session 4 (Jun 10 11:10-12:30) Constructive Mathematics
  • Session 5 (Jun 10 14:00-15:20) Proof Assistant Implementation
  • Session 6 (Jun 10 15:50-16:50) Blockchain and Smart Contracts
  • Session 7 (Jun 10 16:50-17:50) Business Meeting
  • Session 8 (Jun 11 09:00-10:00) Invited Talk
  • Session 9 (Jun 11 10:00-10:40) Parametricity
  • Session 10 (Jun 11 11:10-12:30) Models of Type Theory
  • Session 11 (Jun 11 14:00-15:20) New Type Theories
  • Session 12 (Jun 11 15:50-16:50) Formalisations and Probability Theory
  • Session 13 (Jun 12 09:00-10:00) Algebraic Geometry and Topology
  • Session 14 (Jun 12 10:00-10:40) Logic
  • Session 15 (Jun 12 11:10-12:30) Equality and Evaluation
  • Session 16 (Jun 12 14:00-15:00) Computability
  • Session 17 (Jun 13 09:00-10:00) Invited Talk
  • Session 18 (Jun 13 10:00-10:40) Proofs
  • Session 19 (Jun 13 11:10-12:30) HoTT and Sets
  • Session 20 (Jun 13 14:00-15:20) Category Theory
  • Session 21 (Jun 13 15:50-17:10) Universes
  • Session 22 (Jun 14 09:15-10:30) Special Session for Peter Aczel
  • Session 23 (Jun 14 11:00-12:00) Special Session for Peter Aczel
  • Session 24 (Jun 14 13:30-14:50) Models of Type Theory